What You Need To Know About Trading Stocks At Zero Commission?


The majority of online brokers have gotten rid of commissions for online trading. In the past, it used to cost from $4.95 to $6.95 to buy or sell a stock position, depending on the trading platform you are using. This money amounts to hundreds and even thousands in investment returns over time.

No-fee stock trading has largely changed the stock market and has made it easy for the little guy on the trading floor.

This guide highlights all you need to know about trading stocks at zero commissions and how their accessibility and affordability have helped low-income earners to make financial investments. Once fully equipped with information, all you need to do is choose an established commission-free trading platform with access to all the tools you need to trade stocks and other investment options.

What is Commission-FreeTrading?

You don’t need to go to the stock exchange yourself when you buy and sell shares; instead, a stockbroker does it for you. Since stockbrokers are well equipped in terms of regulations, technology, and systems, they are the best suited to do so.

Commission-free trading means that the broker does not charge any separate fee to place a stock or ETF trade. However, it is essential to note some other fees may be charged. Most online brokers earn income through a practice known as payment for order flow or PFOF. This is a hidden fee that generates up to $1b annually in profits for the industry.

A Brief History of Commission-Free Stock Trading

Buying stocks in big corporations has always been a reserve for wealthy people. Still, the industry has consistently increased its access to capital for those not so financially strong. This has been possible since Charles Merrill attempted to bring “wall street to the main street” after world war II. Charles Schwab had a similar idea in the ’70s, and E-trade has used the same trick for the tech-savvy generation.

Falling commissions have been a marketing and customer acquisition strategy for many platforms and capitalizing on technical innovations. It is cheaper to trade stocks digitally, and brokers can pass down the savings to their customers to grow their market share.

Is It Possible to Trade Stocks For Free?

Most online brokers have made it possible for traders to trade stocks and ETFs for free. However, this was not the case in the past. It was a result of a pricing war in 2019 that led full-service brokerages to cut their commissions to $0 to compete with other free trading platforms.

How Do Brokers Earn on Commission-free Trades?

For those brokers that are still young in the industry, payment for order flow (PFOF) is the primary way of making money. The largest revenue source comes from sweeping the idle money sitting in the customer accounts into subsidiary banks each night with established full-service brokers. They earn interest from it and share it with their customers. 

What’s Different About Free Stock Trading Today?

In recent years, the hunt for an information advantage by the market big players is what has enabled commission-free stock trading. These players are big investment funds that depend on data-driven algorithms and the fastest electronic connections to trade stocks on a millisecond level.  

There Are More Ways to Buy Stock

Buying complex investments has been made easily accessible by investment apps. These investments are called options, which involve the right to buy or sell shares of stock at a predicted future price and provide you with high profits and high risks. Options are far more complex for retail customers to grasp easily. This explains why retail options are highly profitable for brokers and market makers who buy their orders.

However, professionals consistently offer strategies to individual investors to trade with a high rate of success. Smart traders know their limits; trying to time the markets to buy and sell stocks for a profit is for the amateurs. These investments are called options, which involve the right to buy or sell stocks at a speculated price and provide you with high profits and high risks.

Instead, you should focus on a diversified portfolio of long-term investments in various industries and asset classes. For instance, you can make low-fee passive investments in exchange-traded funds. Also, it is advisable to seek the advice of a qualified financial adviser who isn’t trying to sell you stock.

Are There Any Risks of Buying Stocks Online?

Like any other digital platform, outages and other technical issues can happen in stock trading. Securing your financial data can be a major challenge that poses the greatest risk, such as cyber-attacks.

You also need the right trading psychology to keep up with the trading markets and avoid addiction.


Going by the current trend, it is safe to say zero commissions is the new normal when it comes to stock trading. However, it is crucial to know that some brokers won’t entirely drop to zero – some are still charging commissions like option trades. When trading stocks, ensure you do it the smart way by choosing top-rated brokers and buying the right stocks.


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