How to start and develop a cargo transportation business?


The USA cargo transportation segment is developing rapidly. It is not surprising that now many people want to integrate into this market segment. With the growing number of online orders, it will keep developing further. 

This direction attracts a lot of people: from managers to drivers. The latter are attracted by the opportunity to start working in the cargo transportation field, but not everyone understands what are the first steps to take. For example, which ELD operator to choose.

Hotshot: what is the company like?

At the beginning of your work, there will still be questions about planning, routes and other aspects. However, there can be significantly fewer of them if you use Hotshot. Thanks to it, drivers will be able to focus on doing their job instead of solving other problems. There will be no supervisors and other bosses over them. As a result, it’s up to you to plan your work schedule so that it is flexible, dynamic, and really convenient. 

According to statistics, the number of independent carriers is about 70% out of their total number. You can get ahead of many competitors and take advantage of the fact that the market will keep growing. 

Pros and cons of working in this industry

Opening your business, especially in such a competitive field, always implies certain risk. For sure, at the beginning of your work you will have to face overloads and a busy schedule. Besides, for many it may be a problem to build a customer base. All this requires time and effort. 

It is these costs that scare away many who are potentially interested in working in the transportation field. But now a way out of the situation has been found, since there is a chance to use the Hotshot services. As for the key advantages of this solution, the following should be mentioned for sure:

  1. Availability of regional orders. This means that you will be able to perform transportation over relatively short distances. This approach will make it possible to spend more time with your family. This is extremely important for many of those who appreciate comfort and don’t want to leave home for too long.
  2. You won’t need to buy expensive equipment yourself. This results in the low initial costs of the project. Thanks to this approach, it is much easier to integrate into the selected market segment.
  3. Opportunity to optimize time costs. For example, it applies to making up a route. Thanks to this, you will be able to visit more customers and fulfill many orders. As a result, you are more likely to achieve your financial goals.

The advantages of this work will become obvious quite quickly. 

Key stages of preparing to work

In general, the procedure is extremely simple and clear. First, you need to register your company at the relevant regulatory authorities. According to other users’ experience this process is extremely fast and doesn’t take much time. If it involves no third parties, it will save not only time, but money as well.

To run a private business, you will need the appropriate documentation. For example, you need to register a bank account, get a taxpayer number. By the way, the amount is charged based on the funds you receive to your account.

Keep in mind that a commercial driver’s license is a must when:

  • cargo weight exceeds 10,000 pounds;
  • the car and trailer weight exceeds 26,000 pounds.

These are the only two cases when the corresponding paper is required. The next step to launch the project will be to buy the necessary equipment. In general, everything depends on your personal preferences. However, it is important to keep in mind that you simply won’t be able to compete in the market segment in question without a cool truck.

If you are going to transport cargo to other countries, you will need to get permission from the Ministry of Transport. Generally speaking, first it is better to try regional transportation to understand whether this segment is suitable for you and whether it is worth being engaged in.


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