What You Need to Know About QR Code Payment


Nowadays, it seems that just about every aspect of our lives could be improved by QR codes in some shape or form. That’s certainly true of many things like advertising, hiring calls, business cards, promoting content, and so many more. As long as you have an all-purpose, freely- available QR scanner at your disposal, the sky’s the limit.

One area where the use of QR codes can be particularly promising, given the success of what we can already see, is for making payments for various goods and services.

The concept behind this, which we’ll get to shortly, is fairly simple, and for most, this technique is fairly easy, efficient, and convenient, thanks in no small part to the benefits of QR codes and their scannability.

The Principle Behind QR Payments

With QR codes, the key to success lies in their versatile application. Traditional barcodes, like the one you see on the packaging for most commercial products and consumer goods, have a few limitations, namely that they sometimes require specific scanning tools and that they can only be read when printed on a sticker or some packaging.

By contrast, quick response (QR) codes can be processed readily from any surface where they are displayed, and all you need to do so is a simple scanning app or an online tool like this one. Plus, you can use your iPhone, Android, tablet, or even your laptop.

As for making payments, the concept is fairly straightforward: to pay a given amount, you merely read the barcode and the payment takes place. This is actually not so different from normal point of sale (POS) exchanges where payment is processed and logged.

Methods of QR Payments

For paying at checkout or through an app, there are a few approaches. Some businesses require that their own scanning apps be used, but for many, a simpler and more practical approach is to use any normal QR code scanner to redirect to the company’s payment portal of choice.

You can be provided with a code to scan yourself and either complete a transaction automatically or enter your card details manually to pay a specific amount. Another way is for the clerk to enter the details of your receipt and generate the QR code in your device (probably through their own app), which they can scan themselves.

For entirely app-based reimbursements, your seller or service purveyor might send you a unique code that you can scan from anywhere and confirm the payment through online banking or a payment app.

Accepting Payments

Businesses can utilize QR codes in a number of ways, not just to promote what they’re selling, but to actually receive money in exchange for it from a single scan. This includes barcode-enable menus at restaurants where customers can customize orders digitally, scannable receipts, and even online banking through barcode confirmation.

What Makes Barcode Transactions So Efficient?

A few qualities make QR codes as excellent as they are for consumer exchanges, one of which we’ve already discussed is their ability to be scanned off any surface. Not only that but, because of the way that they work, even if part of a QR code is smudged or broken off, the rest of it still contains the relevant information to ensure proper scanning.

Plus, QR codes, unlike normal barcodes, can hold a great deal of data in various forms, like links or media files, making them a more versatile option for payments.

Another key benefit for modern users is that, thanks to improved internet speeds and connectivity. QR code scanning and reading tools are much quicker and more efficient than they used to be.

Worried About Safety?

There might be concerns about the security issues related to QR payments, as there are with any barcode-related activity. In any case, this method is nonetheless relatively safe because a) QR codes are a visual medium and cannot be hacked to access your data, and b) are made even safer in some cases through encryption.

Nonetheless, if you’re worried about being scammed through a barcode transaction, you can avoid that through responsible practices. Reputable businesses that allow QR scanning for their customer relations will make room for safe methods like free, secure scanning tools, existing payment methods, and quick, reliable handling of your orders.

If, however, a vendor requires dedicated company apps and you’re worried about the ads, in-app purchases, and other assorted hoops that you must jump through just to order a beverage or pay for gardening tools, you can stick to cash or card payment.

Scan Away

With barcode scanning, everyone’s life can be made easier including businesses and those who support them. The efficiency of QR codes and QR scanning technology makes barcode payments a godsend for today’s busy clientele.


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