How To Sell Yourself Inside Your Cover Letter


Finding a job is not an easy thing to do. In fact, it is a tormenting and exhausting task that requires a lot of patience, determination, dedication, hard work, and hope to get on the spot you want. It is not for the weak-minded and fainthearted, as this would surely make you question yourself when things do not go as planned. When looking for a job, tons of requirements are needed for you to take the job. Aside from preparing yourself for the interview, you might want to start preparing for your baptismal certification, birth certificate, valid identification card, resume, cover letter, and other requirements. 

When preparing for written documents such as the cover letter, it is much easier to prepare when looking for samples on the internet, such as looking for a cover letter sample! Moreover, selling yourself in your written documents, such as your cover letter to your employer, is a crucial part of the hiring process. How do you promote yourself in a cover letter without coming across as cocky or conceited? And how can a letter be written without being monotonous? If you’re not an expert in cover letters, it can seem tough to walk that thin line because it seems so intricate. With this, you want to ensure that your cover letter covers all the possible good qualities you have to offer to the employer. Thus, here are the tips on how to sell yourself inside your cover letter.

Do Your Research About The Company

You might think researching the company you are applying to might be an additional weight for you. Researching might sound dull, boring, and a nuisance, right? However, doing research is one of the best ways to sell yourself in your cover letter without being or sounding like a purveyor. Researching what qualities an employee the company wants is essential for you to be considered for the job! You’ll land ten times as many interviews if you do it. Why? Since you’ll fit the job description like a plug into a socket, your cover letter will demonstrate that you have listening abilities. But remember that you should not put all your time and effort into this. Keep your job search to no more than 20 minutes at a time to avoid becoming bogged down.

Inform of Your Successes, Not Just Your Duties

In your cover letter, you might be too focused on your duties in your previous endeavors. With this, you forgot to highlight your feats while doing those duties. Your employer wants to know how well you are doing those duties. Are you good at doing the job? Or are you terrible? Don’t merely list your accomplishments in a cover letter; sell yourself. You must demonstrate outcomes in order to be hired! For example, you could say that you have managed a sales team for six years, yet your employer might want you to add the achievements during those years; thus, you could say that in a company with $6M in yearly revenue, you oversaw and managed a team of 6 sales representatives and increased the sales by 20% in just six months.

Write An Awe-striking First Paragraph

Skimming of cover letters happens all the time during the hiring process. This might be due to the number of applicants applying for the position or the number of applicants having the same cliché introduction in their cover letters. To be known by the hiring manager, your first paragraph should draw their attention and be considered for the position. Make them read your cover letter before you try to sell yourself. With this, you can start with having a personal cover letter greeting. Use the hiring manager’s name if you can find it. Names of people awaken them. It is superior to a cover letter sent to “To Whom It May Concern.” Also, you can mention the key points in the following paragraphs and your resume summary.


Selling yourself to your employer is an important part of this task. Your duty is to be the best version of yourself qualified to perform the job excellently so that the employer trusts you entirely for the job. However, you might not get accepted for the job even though you have given the best of yourself. With this, you must be prepared. 

In doing your cover letter, researching about the company, informing about your achievements, and writing an impressive first paragraph is just part of the many things you should consider in writing it. You can always add that you think it might help in selling yourself. Demonstrate your enthusiasm and passion for their company, and they will consider you for a long-term basis position if they know your dedication to the company.


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