What is B2B Content Syndication and Why is it important?

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Many large businesses rely heavily on B2B content syndication to generate new leads. A wider audience can see your resource-heavy content than would be possible by simply hosting it on your website.

Content distribution will continue to be a major focus for B2B marketers. In fact, by 2020, 46 percent of b2b content syndication will have made improvements to their content distribution channel.

What exactly is business-to-business content distribution?

B2B content syndication refers to sharing digital media between businesses, specifically disseminating media like whitepapers, blogs, and videos. The primary objective of content syndication is to attract new clientele by creating potential client leads.

Many times, B2B marketers will negotiate a certain number of leads with their content syndication partners.

You can expect to pay $80-$100 per director level and above lead with content syndication campaigns. Qualifying questions are acceptable in most cases. It stands to reason that the Cost per Lead would rise proportionally as the number of qualifying questions increased (CPL).

Whether or not you need to use qualifying questions in your marketing strategy is context-dependent. It’s an excellent idea, and I urge you to pursue it. Because your sales team is already extremely busy and costly. Unqualified and cold leads are the last thing you want sales to pursue.

Exactly what are the upsides of business-to-business content syndication?

In the first paragraph, I mentioned how important content syndication is for generating B2B leads. Many flourishing B2B businesses place considerable emphasis on account-based marketing. You can use a named-account list in negotiations with content syndication vendors (or target account list). As a result, they will restrict themselves to pursuing leads from the companies on the list you provide.

Effects of Syndicating Content on Search Engine Optimization

It is well known that having too much content online that is identical to other sites will hurt a site’s search engine optimization. Severe penalties, including complete removal from Google’s index, may result. This is, of course, a terrible idea.

If your blog posts are being syndicated on other websites, you should verify that they are properly attributing your blog as the source. Including a canonical tag accomplishes this.

Could Content Distribution Harm Your Search Engine Rankings?

If you’re worried about your SEO strategy and the possibility of penalties from search engines like Google, you shouldn’t be.

You can syndicate content on your own or hire a company specializing in lead generation marketing to do it for you.

Most businesses operate on a “cost per lead” (CPL) model.

It’s important to remember that content syndication primarily generates cold leads, which you and your sales team will need to warm up before they become loyal customers.

Gains from Distributing Content Between Businesses

Distributing content is a powerful tool in business-to-business marketing.

To drive this point home, I have compiled a list of the most frequently cited advantages of B2B content syndication.

Boosts Communication

Syndicating your content expands your reach to potential customers who aren’t yet familiar with your brand. 

Finds Its Way to the Right People

Knowing your target audience’s demographics and motivations allows you to choose the best distribution channels for your content and increase conversion rates. 

Successfully generates high-quality leads.

Given that you are already using your best content to generate leads, it only makes sense to take advantage of other platforms that can help you along the way. Through content syndication, you can generate better leads for your sales team to follow up on.

Boosts Your Website’s Page Rank in Search Engines

Sharing your content on other popular and credible sites can boost your SEO performance.

Promotes Brand Recognition

B2B content syndication is a way to raise brand awareness and broaden your audience. Not everyone in your target demographic will engage with you right away, but they will keep you in mind if they ever have a need for your products or services.


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