4 reasons why you should have a pre-wed shoot


Pre-wed shoots, also known as engagement shoots are now an ever popular part of the whole wedding photography experience. They are usually available as part of a wedding photography package or as an add-on. In addition there is growing popularity for couples to travel to special locations within their country or abroad to give them that one off, unique experience, often with a famous or iconic backdrop. So is a pre-wed shoot for everyone? Richard Sena, an experienced Surrey wedding photographer explains the advantages of having one.

1. If you feel uneasy having your photo taken

It’s well known that whilst some people love having their pictures taken there are many who feel awkward or embarrassed when confronted with a camera. You often hear couples say ‘I hate being the centre of attention’ and ‘I never know where to look’.

The job of a professional wedding photographer is to show you how to relax in front of a camera which means dispelling some of the preconceived ideas some individuals have of having their picture taken. Usually within about ten minutes of a pre-wed shoot, a once nervous or apprehensive couple have got used to the lenses pointed at them and are starting to really enjoy the experience. In addition they get to see how their photographer works who in turn gets to see how as a couple they react to each other. So when it comes to the wedding day itself a sense of trust and understanding has been built, which makes the whole process that much more easier and pleasurable.

2. If you feel a bit awkward interacting with your spouse

It’s not particularly surprising to find couples who are in love and devoted to each other still feeling awkward when they are intimate in public. Sometimes simple actions such as holding hands, walking together and looking at each other can feel a bit clumsy. So the benefit of a pre-wed shoot is to allow a couple to experience intimacy in a public space so that they can feel that same relaxed feeling on their wedding day.

3. If you struggle to find time to be with each other

Work commitments often intrude into our private leisure time in today’s increasingly busy lifestyles. People find it difficult to turn off their mobile phones (cell phone), PCs and laptops to give each other some special time away from any interruptions. With the guidance of an experienced reportage style wedding photographer, you will be able to ignore everything that is going on around you and focus (pardon intended) solely on each other.

4. If you would love to experience a romantic scenic location together

Whilst some couples have in mind where they would like to be photographed; their local park where they walk the dog, where they first met, where he got on his knees and proposed to her, some couples don’t have anywhere in particular and so your photographer can suggest some options and best times of the year. If it’s a city landscape then anytime of the year is good though summer and autumn are probably the preferred choice. If it’s a countryside landscape then spring and autumn in the UK are the most rewarding times in terms of catching nature at its most colourful. In autumn, there is the ever changing colour palette of bright yellows, rich reddish copper hues and warm rays of gold. Whilst in the spring, when nature is waking up after winter, there are the beautiful golden yellows of the daffodils, the deep rich mauve and violet hues of the bluebells. There are also the wonderful pinks, purples and reds of the rhododendrons and azaleas as captured by Ramster Hall wedding photographer Surrey  . With these amazing backdrops you are sure to go away with some very memorable pictures of your time together.

In conclusion

A pre-wedding shoot helps banish any uneasiness or awkwardness of having your picture taken and at the same time you get some valuable and very romantic time together and all in a beautiful environment. As well as being a rewarding experience itself it also prepares you for your wedding day so that you have a far more enjoyable and relaxed time together.


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