Why Is the Cloud Important for Online Learning?

Why Is the Cloud Important for Online Learning?

Education in a virtual environment rather than the good old classroom was a mainstay during the global lockdown. According to the World Bank, the COVID-19 pandemic disrupted education in over 150 countries, putting the future of many students at risk. As of 2021, UNESCO revealed that over 170 million students in 18 countries were still out of school while others experienced a wide range of distractions. Experts predict more long-term effects, but many educational stakeholders see the cloud as a great place and the easiest way to restore normalcy in the global educational sector. Here are a few reasons why the cloud is important for online learning.

It offers improved access to educational materials.


Education has always had an access problem. About 59 million children of primary-school age are without any education. A huge part of this alarming statistic is related to disparities along geographical lines. Traditionally, children in these areas have little control over their situations. Luckily, the cloud is turning the story around. Students can get easy access to educational materials as mobile and internet proliferation rates rapidly increase worldwide with Scholarships for students.

More cloud innovations like iPaaS and SaaS continue to reduce the complexity of accessing online courses. Gartner research publications reveal how these Internet-of-Things (IoT) offerings are increasingly gaining ground in the digital world. You can check the iPaaS Gartner Magic Quadrant report to determine the organizations leading the innovation curve. Generally, these tools come with endless use-case benefits for students accessing all types of resources via the cloud.

It offers better collaboration and teamwork.

Subscribing to an online course platform goes beyond what you can learn at your own pace. The online community also matters to many online learners. Knowing this, the online course marketplace continually adds interactive elements to heighten the overall learning experience. Cloud-based learning favors an immersive experience with quizzes to test users’ in-depth understanding of what they learn. It also facilitates group participation from peers to ensure students benefit from the diverse ideas to grasp concepts better. The cloud is the best place to host unlimited students with online learning service providers offering personalized user interface solutions for seamless communication and material exchange.

It offers enhanced convenience.

Completing an academic program takes a lot of time and effort, and going back to school as a professional with little time and space can double the stress. Luckily, four years of school can be modeled into a digital product via mobile apps you can access any time of the day. This level of convenience has made upskilling attractive for many professionals worldwide.

Globally, upskilling has become an efficient way for people to upgrade their professional services and increase their employability. According to the world bank economic forum, about a billion people affected by the COVID-19 pandemic will need to upskill by 2025, and they can leverage the cloud while supporting themselves through work. The favorable deadline and scalability features are essential for such students.

It helps reduce expenses.


Online learning can be a better way for students to assess multiple pricing options for online degree programs that best fit their budgets. The cloud can also be the best option for education service providers to cut operation costs. Today, service providers can find a better way of hosting their sessions using an infrastructure-as-a-service cloud computing solution, and it doesn’t cost much money compared to building things from scratch. This can free organizations from huge installation and maintenance costs. Migrating on-premises applications and legacy systems to the cloud also means fast, secure, on-demand, and reliable services. These platforms also come with custom options to scale up and down, depending on the organization’s unique needs.

All in all, cloud solutions can be a great choice for students to access different forms of education, knowing their strengths and weaknesses. Industry experts tip the e-learning platforms to engineer advanced features, making teaching and learning easier via webinars and other online resources.


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