Things to Do a Week Before NEET 2021


Only one week before you sit for NEET 2021? For most of us, stress levels must be at their peak perhaps, clueless as to how to make the most of this time and what best you can do which can help you better perform. 

Thankfully, a week could suffice to get yourself going with your NEET 2021 preparation. A little effort every day can keep your stress levels checked and might in fact make it interesting while studying and revising.

NEET Preparation A Week Before NEET 2021

1. Make a dedicated plan for the last week

Just a week before NEET, your plan must look different from what it usually is. The schedule for the week must help you identify pockets of time to study and revise seamlessly. Include short study sessions, revision sessions, practice sessions smartly. There are different apps these days that can assist you with the same.   

2. Examine your previous work

You would have taken several mock tests and other similar assessments. Pull out those sheets and analyze your work. Look at the incorrect answers, assess what went wrong, and work on rectifying it. Go over the material to learn and pick up the tactics to best answer such questions. This will assist in checking your progress too. 

3. Summarise your learnings

Encapsulate your learnings which will help you identify main concepts. There are chances that NEET 2021 might cover the key concepts in its questions. Hence, summarizing gives you an idea of what to focus more on at this. It is always a good habit to frame text in your own words in your notes, which comes extremely handy in the last few days.  

4. Map learnings with syllabus

One of the last things you want in the exam hall is realizing that a question appeared in NEET which you have no idea about. Chances are, you missed covering that topic from the NEET syllabus. Hence, go over the syllabus again just to cross-check and ensure that you have covered and studied all concepts as specified in the syllabus. 

5. Solve question papers

Goes without saying that solving question papers is one of the most important activities that is a must to be followed in the last week. Solve as many papers under ideal scenarios. It gives you an essence of what you would be facing in a week’s time. In addition, one also understands the pattern, the act of bubbling circles in the OMR sheet on time and being able to finish the paper on time. 

6. Train your mind and keep calm

Often underrated action, students most of the time tend to ignore the health aspect completely. This greatly hinders performance if ignored. Perform some activities such as meditation and learn to stay calm all through. 

Train your mind to stay active in that window when you will take the actual NEET exam. For this, everyday you can take practice tests at that time of the day to get habituated to stay most active during that time. These were a few tips you can choose to follow during your NEET 2021 preparation. Subscribe to BYJU’S YouTube Channel for related content.


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