Metrics from Social Listening Tools for Business Goals

Social Listening Tools

Social listening tools can help you answer important questions about your brand and perception. For example, what social media metrics should you look at if your goal is to raise brand awareness? The following metrics from social listening tools will help give you a clearer picture of where the conversation around your business might be happening online.

Share of Voice

Share of voice (SOV) is a metric that measures your brand’s percentage of total conversation volume online. This metric can be used to track how much discussion your brand is generating compared to your competitors. You can use this information to determine whether or not you are reaching your target audience and identify areas where your competitor is outperforming you.

In addition to using social listening tools to track your SOV, you can also use them to find and engage with potential customers discussing your brand online. By identifying and interacting with these individuals, you can create a positive conversation around your brand and influence their purchasing decisions.


The sentiment is a metric that measures the overall tone of the conversation around your brand. This can be used to track whether or not people are generally speaking positively about your brand online. If sentiment is negative, you might want to consider adjusting your marketing strategy to try and improve public opinion. You can use social listening tools to help you track sentiment by setting up keyword or phrase alerts. This will notify you whenever someone mentions your brand online, allowing you to assess the overall tone of the conversation quickly.


Reach is a metric that measures the number of unique individuals talking about your brand at any given time. This can be used to track how many people have seen or heard your message online, which will give you an idea of whether or not it has been successful in raising awareness about your business. You should set up alerts using keywords and phrases to track reach. This will allow you to see the number of people talking about your brand at any given time, allowing you to adjust or refine your marketing strategy as needed.


Engagement is a metric that measures how many people interact with your brand online. This can be used to track the success of any campaigns you run on social media platforms and give you an idea of whether or not customers feel positive about your business. When creating alerts for this metric, it’s best to use keywords and phrases that relate to your business and the products or services you offer. This will help by showing how many people are interacting with your brand online, which can give you a better idea of what content resonates most with customers.


Influencers are individuals who have a large following online and can be used to promote your brand or products. By identifying and targeting these individuals, you can increase the reach of your marketing campaigns and improve brand awareness. Social listening tools can help you find influencers by tracking conversations around specific keywords or phrases. This will allow you to identify individuals talking about your brand and determine which ones have the largest social media following.

You can also use influencers to increase sales by tapping into their existing customer base. For example, if an individual with a large following mentions that they like your product on social media, it might encourage some of their customers to purchase from you as well.

In conclusion, social listening tools can be used to track various metrics, including your share of voice (SOV), brand sentiment, reach, engagement and influencers. By matching these metrics to business goals, you will have a better idea of how successful your marketing campaigns are at generating awareness for your brand or product.


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