How well do you know pen testing?


In data securing, there are plenty of ways authorised service providers can perform the techniques to regain the stolen data and also protect the data. In data security, penetration testing is essential when authorised members attack the system to monitor the computer’s security. Penetration tests are performed to check how much system data is accessible through attacks. 

Benefits of Pen test

Most systems and software are designed to find out security flaws. But there are many other benefits of penetration testing. 

  • To find out the weakness of letting the attackers access the security data.
  • It will be significant support for security purposes and data privacy.
  • Will differentiate the current system from the ideal methods to protect the data.

Access types which are given to pen testers

Every single tester will have a different type of degree which will permit them access the computer system as per the direction. Most of the time, the pen testing team follows a one-way approach. But there are some strategies involved in it. To access the system pen test has three levels:-

Transparent box

In this, testers will get full access to the system. All the source codes, containers, binaries and servers are responsible for running the system. This method provides the maximum information in a quick time.

Opaque box

Here the tester team will be completely unaware of the system. So here, the team will act as a hacker and try to breach the security, which will help find out where the system is lacking.

Semi-opaque box

Here with small information or credentials, testers have to perform the task. So as per the given credentials, the testers are only allowed to test.

Types of pen testing tools

In terms of tools, there is no definite amount. There are plenty of agencies available which specialise in their design. These tools will perform application scanning, Direct penetration or post scanning. To summarise the pen testing tools type, there are five categories made:-

  • Reconnaissance tools are made to discover network open ports and hosts. 
  • Vulnerability scanners are made to monitor the in-network issues, web applications issues and API issues
  • Proxy tools are made for web proxies.
  • Exploitation tools are made to access assets or valuable data.
  • Post-exploitation, this kind of tool interacts with the system and achieves the attack objectives.

Pros and cons of pen testing

With the increase in transparency, it becomes essential for organisations to see all the possibilities of getting attacked and survive against it as well. Pen testing is also a risky tool where testers perform the same technique as attacks so that it will create doubt in the organisation’s mind. Keeping things in mind, there are some advantages and drawbacks to it.


  • The best thing about the pen testing tool is you can see the loopholes in the security system which are getting leaked in the market.
  • It will help in finding flaws in software and how secure they are.
  • Can attack any system, which will help access the inaccessible data. 


  • It is considered to be a very expensive process because there is a high risk involved in it.
  • They can help discover flaws and bugs, but they won’t help in what is required to prevent them.
  • A lengthy process to get approval for this, and then the testers will work on the target system.


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