How to Start Your Own Office Cleaning Service?


An office cleaning service, otherwise known as a commercial cleaning service, is a lucrative business that’s worth investing in. Starting an office cleaning service doesn’t require so much start-up capital as popularly assumed. You can start investing in some cleaning tools and handle the cleaning job yourself and gradually expand to the level of employing more workers. However, before venturing into establishing an office cleaning company serving Sydney, it’s best to adequately plan and understand everything that starting an office cleaning company entails. There are various steps to take to establish your own office cleaning company successfully. Here are some things to plan and put in place;

Describe What Services You Want To Offer

The first step is to decide on the services you want to render. There are several types of office cleaning services; hence you need to be specific about the services your business will offer. Some of the basic services offered by office cleaning companies include; sweeping, mopping, vacuuming, and surface cleaning. Other additional services that you may be required to offer include; restroom cleaning, power-washing floors, emptying trash cans, and more. 

Create a Business Plan  

Every successful business begins with a well-drafted business plan. Your business plan should include the services your company will offer, how you’ll run the business, and how to reach new clients. Also, include the cost of purchasing necessary equipment and cleaning supplies. Generally, when a business is first established, it takes time before such a business starts to make a profit. Due to this, you should include in the business plan how you intend to keep the business afloat until it begins to earn profit that can sustain your business. In addition, you can include your marketing strategy, which will gradually lead to the expansion of the business.

Registration and Permits

Before registering your business, you should have chosen a business name for your brand. Once you have a business name, proceed to your state tax office or business regulatory to obtain your business tax registration certificate. Also, you should obtain a business permit from your town clerk to run your office cleaning company. You might also have to obtain an additional permit or license if your state’s business office requires it. Furthermore, if you’ll employ cleaning workers, ensure that you visit your Internal Revenue Service to obtain an Employer Identification Number. 

Insure Your Office Cleaning Company

Insurance goes a long way in protecting you and your clients. Therefore, endeavor to obtain surety bonding and business insurance from a reputable insurance company. The business insurance will cover any damages that occur on your client’s property during your cleaning service. It also covers your health care and that of your workers in case someone gets injured during a cleaning job. In addition, some states make business insurance compulsory for commercial cleaners. You can mention your business insurance status when marketing your company to potential customers; it’ll help your clients feel at peace that their property is in safe hands.

Get The Necessary Cleaning Supplies and Equipment

The cleaning supplies and equipment you’ll need for your office cleaning business depend on the services your business offers. Nevertheless, here are some of the basic cleaning supplies you’ll need for the office cleaning business;


Vacuum cleaner

Dustpan & brush

Trash bags

Wood polish

Microfiber towels

Cleaning buckets

Wet wipes


Cleaning gloves

Cleaning supplies transport cart

Cleaning apron, and many more

With the right cleaning supplies, you’ll perform your cleaning service like a professional, and you could get recommendations for a job well done.

Establish Your Services Prices

Endeavor to do proper research about the price range of office cleaning services so that you’ll have an idea of how to charge your clients. With that knowledge, set an hourly fee or general price per service rendered. Though you might have to fine-tune prices for each of your clients, the standard price you’ve set will give you an idea of how to charge your clients for your office cleaning services.

Market Your Business

Inform potential clients of your office cleaning business and the services you render. Make them see why it pays to hire your office cleaning company. You can make flyers, business cards, and magnetic signs for your company’s vehicle. Also, visit office buildings and drop your fliers or meet the office managers to inform them about your office cleaning business. In addition, you can create a company website to reach more clients. When you get one client, make an effort to perform top-notch services so you’ll retain the clients and get referrals.


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