How To Mitigate Cyber Attacks With A Technical Audit? A Simple 2022 Guide


According to recent research, cyber attacks cost businesses and the global economy about $450 billion each year. The good news is that with the right preparations, you can mitigate many risks and prevent financial losses. In this post, we’ll discuss the essentials of cyber attack mitigation. We’ll also take a look at some of the top technical audit strategies in 2022. Learn the basics of technical audit and rest assured that your business is well-protected against cyber threats.

A Few Glimpses of the Cybercrime Statistics

In recent years, cybercrime has become a major threat to businesses of all sizes. According to a report by the Ponemon Institute, the average cost of a data breach is now over $4 million. And with business email compromise attacks occurring at a rate of more than 4k per week, it’s no wonder that companies are feeling under siege.

While no industry is immune to cybercrime, certain sectors are particularly vulnerable. For instance, attacks on healthcare organizations have increased by more than 300% since 2010. As the costs of cybercrime continue to rise, it’s clear that businesses need to do more to protect themselves. By investing in cybersecurity tools and training employees, companies can help reduce the risks posed by cybercriminals.

What Is a Technical Audit?

Also known as an IT or technology audit, a technical audit involves examining an organization’s technology infrastructure to ensure that it is being used efficiently and securely. Such software usually gathers maximum data and allows you to check many technical constituents. An advanced technical audit may also encompass identifying UI/UX and SEO issues, helping to find your competitor’s keywords in order to close gaps and upgrade web content on particular pages. By taking a close look at everything from servers and network equipment to software and user permissions, experts can identify ways to improve the efficiency of an organization’s technology use and enhance security. In today’s data-driven world, an effective technology audit can be the key to unlocking improved performance.

How Technology Audits Protect Your Business

Business owners take great pains to keep their companies competitive, employing a range of various tools – from SEO Reporting Software to advanced security audit tools. While this can bring many benefits, it also creates new risks. A technology audit can help you stay both efficient and secure. Here are a few examples of how it benefits your business.

Pinpoint risks and opportunities

A technology audit is an important way for businesses to identify risks and opportunities related to their use of technology. By examining the infrastructure, integrity, and reliability of IT resources, businesses can develop a better understanding of where they may be exposed to risks and how they can improve their overall technology infrastructure. Additionally, a technology audit can help businesses to identify opportunities to improve their IT resources and make them more efficient.

Boost security

From customer records to financial data, the loss or theft of this information can have devastating consequences. That’s why it’s so important to have a robust IT security system in place. But how do you know if your system is up to the task? That’s where a technology audit comes in. By assessing your data security protocols, a technology audit can help you identify any weakness in your system and steps to improve your security.

Improve IT governance

From cloud-based storage to online Salesforce tools, IT departments are responsible for an ever-growing array of controls and management. Given the importance of technology in today’s business landscape, it’s essential to periodically audit your IT governance. A technology audit can help you identify areas where your procedures need improvement, assess the effectiveness of your controls, and develop a plan for enhancing your IT governance.

How To Conduct A Technical Audit? Tips and Strategies

Auditing your technology regularly is a great way to ensure that your systems are running smoothly and efficiently. Here are a few steps to take for a successful audit:

  • Step #1: Define your goals. What tasks does the audit address? Defining the goals and objectives will help you determine what areas to focus on.
  • Step #2: Gather data. You’ll need information about your current system, including performance metrics and usage patterns.
  • Step #3: Evaluate your options. There’s no one-size-fits-all solution, so it’s important to consider various options and choose the best fit for your needs.
  • Step #4: Implement changes. Once you’ve identified areas for improvement, make the necessary changes and monitor the results.

Besides, here are a few criteria for a successful audit. See to it your technology audit meets them to make the most of it.

Stakeholder engagement and resource management

One of the most important aspects of conducting a successful technology audit is ensuring buy-in from all stakeholders. This means taking the time to explain the purpose and process of the audit to everyone involved and making sure they understand how their cooperation will benefit the company as a whole.

Once you have buy-in from all stakeholders, you can move on to gathering the resources you need for the audit. This includes both financial resources and human resources, as you will need access to both data and specialists to properly assess the state of your technology.

External expertise and internal training

If your organization is looking to conduct a successful technology audit, you may want to consider hiring an external auditor. One of the benefits of working with an external auditor is that they can provide an unbiased perspective. 

They also bring a wealth of experience and knowledge to the table, which can help identify areas where your organization may need to improve. In this manner, an external auditor can help to train your staff on proper procedures and processes.

Consistency and regularity

Any organization that wants to ensure the success of its technology audit needs to conduct it regularly. This regularity is important for two main reasons. First, it guarantees the data collected is up-to-date and relevant. Second, it allows for the identification of any potential risks or issues early on, before they have a chance to cause significant damage.

Of course, regular audits also require careful planning to be effective. But the effort is well worth it for any organization that wants to protect its investments and stay ahead of the curve.

Wrapping Up

Performing regular technical audits can help your business in several ways. Mitigating risks and identifying areas for improvement are just two benefits of auditing your website’s technical infrastructure regularly. By taking the time to audit your site, you can be sure that everything is running smoothly and that you’re making the most of the opportunities available to you online.


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