How To Manage And Enable SEO & URLs In PrestaShop 1.7.X Version

Enable SEO

SEO is now an important part of getting people to visit and buy from a website online. Search engine optimization is making changes to the site so that search engines affordable seo london send more people to it. Your website’s SEO can be improved with the PrestaShop theme.

It’s important to have a URL that is easy to remember. Google’s search engines look for URLs that are “friendly” instead of “unfriendly.” Search engine optimization is also used to avoid having the same content and URLs on different pages.

Here are a few things you can do to make your website more search engine friendly.

Follow the simple steps:

Go shopping Parameters > Traffic & SEO

The Traffic & SEO Section has 3 tabs. On the SEO & URLs tab, click the Edit button next to each page’s URL to change it.

You can see the page’s name, title, meta description, meta keywords, and rewritten URL after editing the page. All of these fields will be editable by you.

  • Page name field display Name of the related page.
  • Page title field displays Title of this page.
  • Meta description field display A short description of your shop.
  • Meta keywords field displays a List of keywords for search engines. To add tags, click in the field, write something, and then press the “Enter” key.
  • Rewritten URL field display URL name Which you want to display in URL. Only allowed letters and hyphens.

Make sure the Friendly URL Option is enabled. If it is, then go to Shopping parameters > traffic & SEO > Set up URLs. Enable Friendly URLs.

The last part is the URL schema. In the schema of URLs, you can change how your links are set up by default. To use this feature, make sure your server’s Friendly URL option is turned on and that Apache’s URL rewriting module, mod rewrite, is running. Use the keyword syntax to add a keyword to your URL.

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