How To Choose The Right Pest Control Company In New York


Almost every home has faced pest infestation at least once, this may vary based on climate, and environment among other factors. 

A pest infestation can be of varying degrees, if you reside in New York and you’re faced with an infestation, Pest Control & Bed Bug Removal In Long Island NY | EZ Bed Bug Exterminator got you covered. 

To choose the right pest control company, keep reading to get acquainted with these key factors. 

Ways To Choose The Right Pest Control Company In New York

  1. Company History

Working with a company that has maintained consistency and excellence over the years is preferable compared to newbies who may be unfamiliar with pest control. 

When choosing a pest control company, look out for their history and success story too. You can do this by searching their page on Google. 

This does not elude the fact that some new pest control companies come with updated methods and may perform better, but consistency suggests that old hands are better. 

  1. Insurance

The job description of every pest control company involves the use of toxic chemicals and methods that can be harmful to the health of man and animals. 

Before choosing a pest control company, ask about their insurance policy. This may look like probing, but it’s better that you know. In New York, such companies are expected to have liability and workers’ compensation insurance. 

Without insurance, you will be responsible for any injury encountered during pest control. Any company that is insured is also recognized by law and the state. 

  1. Specialization

Not all pest control companies carry out a general pest exterminator, some focus on specific pests. When looking to choose a pest control company, ask about their specialty. 

Pest control companies that focus on exterminating specific pests will always deliver quality services because of their expertise. 

If you’re considering hiring a pest control company, go for a company that deals with your pest. 

  1. Method of Pest Control

Every company undertakes different methods when exterminating pests. The pest control company should provide a template of how they intend to go about extermination. 

They should also provide the type of pesticides that would be used. Some pesticides can be harmful afterward, hence, preventive measures should be taken to avoid casualty. 

On this note, you can ask how the pest control company plans to go about a post-treatment review. 

  1. Liability

Under this, make sure the company gives room for insurance and bonding. For bonding, it covers the protection of your property while insurance will suffice for injuries incurred by the company. 

Bonding also requires that the company is held responsible for any damage caused by its workers. Have in mind that both insurance and bonding benefits you and will prevent any unforeseen circumstance. 

  1. Professional Affiliation

This is another point to consider when hiring a pest control company. Ask about their certification with recognized professional organizations. 

Certification from professional organizations shows that a pest control company meets up standards for business. 

You can ask your pest control company which professional certification they possess and also confirm its validity online. 

  1. Reputation

Having considered all the above factors, it is important to ascertain the reputation of the pest control company you wish to hire. Aside from asking friends and past clients, you can check that up online. 

Checking online gives a clear picture of how the company interacts with customers and the quality of its service. 

While researching online, be cautious of deceptive comments that may either run down or wrongly promote a company.

Beware of companies that make promises and do not fulfill them. To this, ask for references from former clients. For safety, involve an attorney. 

Final Note

Choosing the right pest control company has a lot to do with the impact of pests in your home. 

Many factors come to mind when hiring a pest control company but those mentioned in this article will help you get the best exterminator that suits your needs.


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