Dental Myths that Everyone Thinks are True


We’ve all heard them before – dental myths that we just assume are true. Unfortunately, many of these myths can actually lead to bad oral health habits. In today’s blog post, we’ll dispel some of the most common dental myths and help you maintain a healthy smile for years to come! Happy reading!

Myth #1 – ​Flossing is unnecessary if you brush regularly

Flossing is definitely an important part of maintaining good oral health. Not only does flossing help remove plaque and food particles from places where your toothbrush cannot reach, it also helps reduce the risk for gum disease, which can eventually lead to tooth loss. Flossing should be done at least once a day (but twice if you want to be especially diligent).

Myth #2 – ​Sugar causes cavities

While sugary foods and drinks (especially sticky foods like candy and fruit snacks) contribute to the development of cavities, they’re not the primary factor for the development of cavities. The bacteria in your mouth actually feed on and then produce acid as a byproduct during digestion – this acid is what eats away at your enamel and creates tooth decay and other oral health concerns.

When very high in sugar food gets stuck to your teeth for a prolonged period of time it creates the ideal environment for bacteria to thrive on. Their feeding frenzy turns into a dangerous situation for your oral health.

That’s why it’s important to brush regularly and limit the amount of sugary foods you consume if you want to reduce your chances of tooth decay.

Myth #3 – Fluoride is bad for you

While there was a time when fluoride was mistakenly thought to be dangerous for your health, we now know that this is not the case. In fact, it’s actually extremely beneficial for your teeth – especially if you’re at high risk for cavities.

There are many different types of fluoride treatments available today – including toothpastes and rinses – which can help strengthen your teeth, prevent decay, and even reverse tooth decay in its earliest stages.

Myth #4 – Braces are painful and expensive

While it’s true that getting braces requires a financial investment, this is not necessarily the case when it comes to pain or discomfort. In fact, many people who have gotten braces in the past report having very few – if any – issues with pain.

Even with the pain, it is often mild and not long lasting. It can also be remedied with the use of over the counter meds such as ibuprofen.

Myth #5 – You should only go to the dentist for a check-up once a year

While it’s true that regular dental appointments are important, you should actually be going more than once per year.  By visiting your dentist every six months, you can catch small problems before they become serious – and the earlier a problem is caught, the easier it is to treat.

So be sure to schedule regular appointments with your Addison, TX dentist so that you can ensure optimal oral health for years to come!

Myth #6 – Children should not have dental X-rays

Dental X-rays are an important part of any exam – especially for children. While it’s true that keeping up with regular exams is the best way to ensure optimal oral health, dental X-rays still play a significant role in this process. They can see things that cannot be spotted with the naked eye.

Additionally, exposure to radiation from X-rays is minimal and the risk is worth the reward in many instances. There may be times when a dental X-ray will not always be needed, but you should discuss that with your dentist to determine when it is or isn’t appropriate. He will be able to advise you if it is necessary or not.

If you are pregnant or breastfeeding, you should talk with your dentist in Saint Clair, MO about the use of dental X-rays for your own safety.


In conclusion, there are many common myths about oral health and dental care that need to be debunked. By understanding the facts behind these myths, you can ensure optimal oral health for yourself and your loved ones.


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