Coming Clean: Conducting A Drug and Alcohol Test For Pre-Employment


The aging population frequently has unhealthy lifestyles, which reduces employee productivity. As an employer, pre-employment screening allows you to confirm and examine the data provided by a candidate to resolve issues with health and safety. 

Background check results can help you maintain a secure and effective workplace, but more importantly, they can assist you in mitigating the impact of making a poor employee. 

The rationale behind companies’ widespread use of drug and alcohol testing has several organizational advantages essential to fostering a better and more efficient workplace.

What is a Pre-Employment Functional Assessment? 

As you conduct a job interview for a new position inside your company, you will probably talk about a prospective employee’s prior employment history, career goals, and educational background. 

However, you might overlook one of the most crucial inquiries: Are you qualified for the job? These days, pre-employment background checks are vital to the hiring process. It is checking a candidate’s background to confirm their qualifications. 

Then, what is a pre employment assessment? It is a type of background check used as part of pre-employment screening to see whether the information provided by an applicant is accurate and whether they could pose a risk to the business. They aid companies in determining the accuracy of the data a job applicant submits on their résumé.

Benefits of Pre-Employment Screening for a Company

Pre employment functional assessment benefits employers in some ways, including helping them find the best candidates for the position, reducing risk, preserving their reputation, eliminating additional hiring costs, preventing workplace fraud, and more. 

Here are some reasons why, given how important it is in the current hiring process, businesses should not disregard it.

The Caliber of Potential Hires Will Rise

Pre-employment screening verifies applicants’ credentials and separates qualified candidates from those who are not. It aids a business in avoiding dangers to its finances and legal standing that could arise from non-compliance.

Reduction of Turnover Rates

By forgoing pre-employment background checks, a company runs the risk of recruiting workers who are not a suitable fit for it. They might end up leaving the company or getting fired, raising the staff turnover and cost of hiring for the business.

Better Compliance with Regulations

One of the most critical problems that firms confront is regulatory non-compliance. Their non-compliance results in fines or legal action against enterprises. 

Pre-employment screening can help keep the company from hiring people who are not qualified and eligible. Most importantly, applicants do not have the legal right to work for the organization.

Using competent third-party screening providers’ knowledge and skills in the sector is typically preferable to guarantee to follow all legal standards.

Limits Liability Concerns Past-Offending Workers Pose

Pre-employment checks can protect the company from liability for a potential employee’s background. All applicants with criminal histories can be disqualified with criminal background checks, avoiding penalties or fines.

Prevents Data Theft

Pre-employment screening has advantages for businesses that handle customer data because it can reveal an applicant’s criminal history or charges and shield against data theft.

Limit Expensive Company’s Damage Control

According to reports, almost 70% of clients said they would no longer do business with the company after a data breach.

In addition to preventing data theft, pre-employment screening helps a business avoid public relations disasters and maintain its good name. Additionally, because damage management is expensive, it aids in avoiding additional costs.

Identifying and Preventing Fraud In Identity Information

Several CVs include overstated or incorrect material. In the absence of pre-employment screening, there is a considerable probability that companies may hire these candidates, which could impact other employees, the quality of the work or service, and the company’s overall productivity.

Background screening prevents fraud by confirming the information provided by applicants and identifying inaccurate information about credentials, skills, and previous jobs, among others, in their CVs.

Aids in Reducing Workplace Violence

Employers can exclude candidates with a history of violence through pre-employment criminal records and background checks, assuring safety and discipline at work.

Essential in Employer’s Overall Investigation

Employers can exhibit due diligence by pre employment functional capacity assessment and screening to learn more about a candidate’s history before hiring them. The employer risks fines and legal repercussions if there is no screening done.

Types of Verification and Searches for Pre-Employment  

Knowing how necessary background checks are for employees can help you decide what form of pre-employment evaluation is suitable for your company. 

The most typical background checks include requests for driving records, a drug and alcohol test, education and employment verification, identification verification, and reviews for criminal activity.

What kind of examination will you undergo? It depends on the company and the position you’re striving for in the workforce.

Workplace Verification

With your permission, your future employer may ask us to contact your former employers to confirm that you worked there. The CRA will contact your former employers to confirm dates and jobs held as well as some references. 


Companies will get in touch with educational institutions, just like they would with an employer, to confirm your field of study, qualifications, and perhaps relevant professional licenses. 

Many educational institutions use an academic information provider rather than directly responding to requests. These companies protect against false information by verifying student data, credentials, and diplomas.

Criminal History

The CRA may look up criminal records in the county, state, and federal courts. The demands of the employer dictate how far back in time they travel. 

Except in specific circumstances, the FCRA and several states prohibit the disclosure of convictions that transpired more than seven years ago.


An identity search confirms that your name is associated with your ID number and that it was legitimately issued. Companies utilized various sources for the search depending on where you acquired your ID.

Automobile History

Your prospective employer will probably investigate your driving history if your position requires you to drive (MVR). They frequently need an MVR before they can give you a work vehicle.

Test for Respirator Fit

OSHA reminds us that it is vital for personnel exposed to dangerous dust, fumes, and gases, among other things, to have a respirator fit test.

The wearer of a respirator is protected from hazardous environments, enabling them to breathe while being exposed to fewer respirable poisons. An employee must pass a respirator fit test and medical screening before using one.

Alcohol and Drug Testing

When a worker could significantly hurt or endanger themselves, another employee, or a public member if they work while impaired by alcohol or illegal drugs, it is necessary to have a drug and alcohol test program.

Component of the Pre-Employment Medical Examination

The same clinic where the applicant receives their pre-employment medical evaluation conducts the pre-employment drug and alcohol screening. The candidate typically submits a urine sample for analysis and is breathalyzed. 

The company will present the specimen to a NATA-accredited facility if the preliminary drug and alcohol test screening yield a non-negative result. 

Random Alcohol and Drug Testing

A drug and alcohol test for a randomly selected group of employees within a defined time frame is usually happening on-site. 

The primary goal of this type of testing is to prevent employees from misusing alcohol or illegal drugs because companies will disclose neither the timing nor the outcome of the testing to the employees in advance.

Are you Looking For an Agency to Help You With The Pre-Employment Screening?

Pre-employment screening is a procedure that offers employers access to data on education, employment history, and performance. However, managing human resources while also handling the pre-employment screening can be difficult for employers. 

But worry no more! You can develop a program specially tailored to your company’s requirements with the aid of a third-party background screening supplier.

Our goal is to enhance the health, satisfaction, and productivity your workforce enjoys to the most remarkable human possible extent. Our multidisciplinary approach to managing occupational health risks is led by Specialist Occupational Physicians, who are backed by a diverse team of professionals. 

Contact us at 1300 737 453 or [email protected], and let’s discuss your needs!


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