A Complete Guide To Know About Background Verification

Background Verification

Background screening has become an essential part of the corporate workflow. Before a candidate joins a company, the recruiters conduct a background verification to check if the information they provide is accurate. The process is quite rigorous, designed to avoid any loopholes or inaccuracies encountered during the screening and interviewing process. 

There are several background check companies in India, and these help other employers conduct a background check for their existing and new employees. But, there are several things that you must know about background verification.

Reasons for Conducting Background Checks

Strong teams define the success of an organization, requiring trustworthy individuals to achieve business objectives. 

A background check mitigates all kinds of risks that might hamper the reputation of the company. You can take the help of background verification companies to conduct these checks to: 

  • Make sure that you hire qualified candidates.
  • Ensure that onboarded employees will not hamper the safe work environment of your company.
  • Will protect your company from any externalities and liabilities.
  • Onboard an employee who will comply with all regulations laid down by the government and the company.
  • Not engage in any embezzlement or criminal activities.

Also, the primary reason for conducting a background check is to protect the company and the employees already working in it. A reasonable background verification also improves the quality of new hires. In several countries, the law mandates background verification, and all companies have to adhere to it.

How Does Background Verification Work?

Background verification can be an extremely complex process. There are several steps involved in a background check: 

Candidate History 

Several pre-employment checks are necessary to avoid any liability that can occur to a company. Some data supports that out of 6 people, at least one person lies on their resume. Therefore, checking the candidate’s history is extremely important. You can notify the employee that you are conducting a background check and then conduct the same.

Criminal Background Checks

This check is the most widely used background check across companies. Here, the division of crimes is into two parts: Serious and minor crimes. You must have clearly defined values, and you should then check if the candidates adhere to the same. Once the candidate clears the criminal background check, the hiring process becomes smoother.

Credit Background Checks

The primary motive of conducting a credit background check is to understand the candidate’s credit to debt ratio. The report shows how the employee pays their bills and handles debt. However, if you decide not to onboard an employee based on the credit check, you will have to give an apparent reason to the employee.

Identity Verification

This step is the most basic form of a background check. Here, the documents submitted are verified, eliminating the possibility of fraud. Several companies have mechanisms to verify these documents. However, no employee can skip this part.


A background verification process is holistic. A lot of checks also involve conducting a review on professional licenses and certifications. Several reference checks are also administered in proving the authenticity of the company. 

A background check is critical, and it strengthens the hiring process. So, get in touch with AuthBridge, a top background check company in India.


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