How Do You Bet on Football Games?


Football games are exciting sports that a lot of people look forward to. After the long successful 102nd regular season of the NFL, the Los Angeles Rams won the Super Bowl LVI by 23-20 against the Cincinnati Bengals. With a tight game, both teams put on a great show. 

This year’s NFL regular season will begin after a few nights more of sleep. If you plan to be part of yet another historic event in the history of football, it would be best to prepare yourself as early as now. To help you, here are a few things you’ll need to know before betting on football games.

Look for Reliable Football Betting Sites 

If you plan to bet online, one way that you can do this is to sign up for an online gambling site. It is commonly known as the sportsbook. It is the online counterpart of bookers that accept wagers from bettors. 

A lot of sites now offer sports betting because of its increasing popularity. Due to this, online frauds have become rampant and have already tricked several people. That is why if you’re planning to be part of a football game betting, you must find a reliable sportsbook.

You first need to inspect if the sportsbook possesses a license to accept bets. Getting a permit entails specific standards to pass to have one. This includes a systematic regulation that works under the law. 

You can usually find their licenses in the contract or the site visible to their clients. If you haven’t seen one, you can contact them about it. If you’d rather not, then think twice about signing with them.

Study the Schedule

After looking for a sportsbook, you will need a team to bet on. They are an essential part of every sports betting. That is why it would greatly help you if you’re familiar with the NFL teams. One way to effectively bet on a winning team is to learn about the games they will partake in. You can do this by looking through the season’s schedule. 

The NFL releases an official schedule indicating the teams playing against each other together with the date and location. Looking at the schedule in advance will let you have more time to study more about the playing teams, and you’ll get the chance to research them before their game. 

Moreover, a good sportsbook will also present the teams before their games so that you’ll know which teams will play against certain teams. This way, you’ll not have a hard time looking for the official schedule.

Learn More About NFL Bets

Aside from learning more about the NFL teams, you must also be familiar with your betting options. The NFL presents several types of bets you can wager on. You can take advantage of this by determining which betting type works well for you out of all the wagering options available. You can start by trying out the basic NFL bet types in searching for the right bet.

One popular and simple NFL bet would be the Over/Under. Its guideline is very straightforward, and you can easily participate even if you are new to NFL betting. Some sportsbooks offer separate betting lines and odds for Over/Under. They will present a set predicted combined total score of the game. 

Then, you will place a wager if the final total score is over or under the expected amount of the sportsbook. If the final combined score has the same amount as the predicted totals, then the wagers will be considered a push, and the bettors will be refunded.

However, you can look into win bets if you want to take it slow and try out the most straightforward wager. To win the NFL win bets, you will only need to place money behind the team that you predict to win the game. You can check for the NFL odds that your sportsbook provides to have better chances of winning.

Inspect NFL Odds

NFL odds present the likelihood of a team winning the game. The way the odds are presented varies by state. All in all, it has three types: Moneyline odds (American), fractional odds (British), and decimal odds (European). 

Aside from presenting the likelihood of a team winning, odds also display the amount you can payout. So, if you bet on the favorite team that is displayed with a minus (-) sign, the odds present the amount of money you will need to risk to win $100. Then, if you see a moneyline odds of -150, you will need to wager $150, to win $100 and have a total $250 payout.

On the other hand, betting on the underdog accompanied by a plus (+) sign will present you the money you can win if you bet $100. For instance, a moneyline odds of +1000 only means you can win $1000 if you bet with $100. Since the team is less likely to win than the favorite, you are open to more risks.

Final Thoughts

At the end of the day, football betting depends on your luck. However, with proper preparation and a good sportsbook, your chances of winning your bet increase. Thus, if you can, it would be best to learn more about sports betting. Keep this list in mind, and let this help you discover more about NFL betting.


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