Highly Paid Career Options For Social Sciences Specialists


Social Sciences is a fascinating field of education. It is a little about History, International Relations, Politics, Culture, Humans, etc. This is a massive field in that interested students can earn doctorate degrees and also make successful working careers. If all these sound fascinating then keep on reading to find out some of the highly paid Social Sciences jobs.

Colleges and universities in Bhopal offer Social Sciences degrees from bachelor’s to doctorate and also short-term diploma courses. Students from universities like MGU have gone on to work in many job profiles some of which are as below.

High Paid Career Options for Social Sciences

Economist: Economists are, in simple words, experts on the economy. They will work at understanding what goods and services are produced in a country and how they are distributed. Here, goods and services refer to education, energy, healthcare other public resources besides consumer goods. This is going to be done by the Economist through surveys and reports where the data is collected and analyzed for patterns. The Economist will use not just current data but also historical data to find out trends in them. Economists are hired in both private and public organizations where they will decide the funding and budgets. Indian Economists make average pay of INR 7.27 – 9 LPA.

Lobbyist: A Lobbyist is, generally, a Political Science graduate. Their primary goal is to sway or influence public thinking about a certain political candidate. Their work extends to not just the general public also working public officials and members of the Legislative body. This is a very important role in making sure political decisions are passed and new laws are passed. They are also involved in the creation of the said laws. Lobbyists should have a negotiation, problem-solving abilities along with strong ethics and public speaking skills. Lobbyists, as per online reports, make INR 30 LPA in India.

Historian: Working historians have a Bachelor of Arts in History and/or master’s degree in the same concentration. Historians will study ancient events, people, eras, political climate, etc. This is a research role where the individual is going through old documents and written texts left behind. Historians can also work in the field collecting the data firsthand and then working through it in a laboratory. The data and hypotheses they find are used to create a timeline of history and changes. This is put together as a report to be published in newspapers, magazines, or journals. Most Historians make around INR 11-12 LPA.

Financial Analyst: Financial Analysts are individuals who analyze the financial statements of companies. Their work will help in making important financial decisions to make profits or to expand their businesses. Generally, Financial analysts work for banks, insurance companies, pension funds, etc. How analysis is done by looking at the company data such as stock and bonds and also the market conditions to make predictions. They will answer questions like which investments to make if a marketing technique is working. In doing so, they earn INR 5.28 – 7 LPA.

Geographer: Geographers are individuals with a Master of Arts in Geography or a similar degree in Geography. They spend their time observing and studying the earth, the land, its features, and its inhabitants. It is quite a broad subject and at higher education levels, one can choose a specific area of Geography as per their passion. Their contribution will lead to understanding more about the land but also take note of any changes. Extreme weather conditions can also be looked at by Geographers. The average pay for Geographers is INR 4.90 – 6 LPA.

Political Scientist: One of the highest-paid job roles in Social Sciences is a Political Scientist. This is a research-based role where the candidate is observing the political systems, different trends, political parties over a significant period of time. They will work with historical data, texts, surveys, reports and analyze them. Their findings are used to find out future trends and predictions in politics and form laws accordingly. This is primarily a public Government job where one could be earning salaries of INR 6 – 9 LPA.

Psychologist: Psychology is undoubtedly a broad field and depending on where the individual is practicing the job profile name will change. For instance, working within an organization, the role would be an Industrial-Organizational Psychologist. On the other hand, working in one’s own practice or in a hospital they would primarily be called a Clinical Psychologist. Regardless of where they work they will work at understanding and navigating their patient’s emotions and helping them overcome trauma. Within companies, they would help improve morale and solve conflicts. On average they earn an average figure of INR 6.11- 9 LPA.

Intelligence Analyst: Intelligence Analysts typically perform many duties and jobs but it is in the line of strategic intelligence analysis. This is where individuals analyze data and information in a manner to best answers complex questions. These questions can be about operations, future predictions or solutions for organizations. The Intelligence Analyst is given the data to perform analysis on and find out opportunities or threats. They will work in both the private and public sectors, formulating policies and more. This role, due to its demanding nature, receives high salaries. Indian Intelligence Analysts, specifically, make around INR 6.29 – 8 LPA.

Occupational Therapist: Occupational Therapy is about assisting people who have suffered from injuries or have some sort of pain. The Occupational Therapist helps them adapt better to their conditions and perform their daily tasks better. They could help them do basic tasks like eat, bathe, wash dishes and navigate their daily lives. Occupational Therapists can work with both elderly patients and children as well. Patients who have suffered a brain injury, cancer, diabetes, poor vision, cerebral palsy, mental health etc. The average pay for OTs is INR 4.94 – 6 LPA.

Public Relations Officer: The Public Relations Officer from the PR department is responsible for the public image of an organization. They will make efforts to make sure the right brand image is given to the general public. Towards this goal, they will create campaigns and events, and also they will coordinate with third parties for said events. They will write and forward to the media announcements and other write-ups. This s a demanding field and one must have strong communication skills. PR Officers make around INR 4.08 – 6.6 LPA salary.

The Social Sciences opens up many different jobs depending on the course concentration and sub concentration chosen. There are also several high-paid but also challenging profiles. It would not be hard to make a fulfilling career in the Social Sciences.


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