How Can Small Businesses Advertise Themselves video on Instagram


We are in the age of social networks like Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, and LinkedIn, where you no longer have to struggle for customers. This is because you can leverage these platforms to grow your business at an affordable rate. You can use a video maker online like Promo, where you can create amazing videos. The focus of this article will be on Instagram, and how you can profitably advertise on it.

Brief On Instagram Business

Instagram has about 1.2 billion active users. That is about 20% of the world population. Imagine being able to reach such a large amount at a go. However, your business probably needs just a tiny amount of this to bring in revenue and become profitable. Leveraging on the Instagram market might be the breakthrough your business need.

Instagram is such that you can use it to promote your business irrespective of your budget. Some people have the assumption that Instagram ads are very expensive. However, many factors determine the cost of Instagram ads including target location, the competitiveness of industry, time of the year, and placement.

Each of these factors can make your ads either less expensive or more expensive. Therefore, it is up to you to leverage this understanding to promote your business. Instagram has features to help you evaluate the reach of your budget. You can get information as detailed as audience definition estimated daily reach. 

You can promote different kinds of content on Instagram including texts, images, stories, videos, IGTV, etc. Each of these has their importance, but the most effective ones are video related advertisement because it engages your audience very well. You can use a video maker online like Promo, where you can create amazing videos. 

You can leverage these tools because they have the experience when it comes to videos that will generate revenue. Using these tools, you will not have to reinvent the wheel. Moreover, there are thousands of templates you can choose from to make customized video ads by using video maker online for your business.

Step-by-step Guide to Advertise on Instagram

There are two routes to create an Instagram ads campaign. You will successfully promote your business using both. However, one is more efficient than the other. The first is directly from the Instagram App. The second, however, is from Facebook Ads Manager. 

Instagram In-app Promotion

This is the easiest and fastest way to start advertising on Instagram. You can start by promoting an existing post on your Instagram account. It is similar to Facebook’s boost post option. It is a good strategy for promoting posts that are already doing great.

Instagram ads will help promote your content to people who are not following you to increase your reach and engagement. It helps to scale your post’s success. However, you need to have a Facebook page connected to your Instagram account to do this. Moreover, you will need a creator account on Instagram also.

All these are easy to set up. You can do them with your mobile phone and start promoting your business content in no time. Before the ads start running, you will be prompted to choose your preferred destination, audience, duration of ads, and budget. Once you set all the parameters, just click Promote, and your ad starts running.

Facebook will take a short while to review your ads, after which it goes live! Ensure you monitor the progress of your ads by visiting the promotion tab on your Instagram account. 

Instagram Promotion Using Facebook Ads Manager

Facebook Ads manager is more complex compared to using Instagram. However, it allows you to get the most out of Instagram’s extensive ad targeting. Here, you will be able to target an ultra-specific audience according to your business. It allows for much more customization than the one Instagram naturally offers. 

Here is a five-step guide to help you make the most of the Facebook ads manager and use it to promote your business in the exact way you want it. 

Step One

This is the first step of promoting your business on Instagram. Once you create an account on Ads Manager, click on ‘create’. You will then be taken to a page to choose your campaign objective. Your objective could be brand awareness, reach, generating traffic, video views, engagement, etc. Once you click on the one that suits your business goals, you will be prompted to name your ad campaign. Give it a name specific to the campaign you are running to easily keep track of it.

Step Two

This is the point where you choose your post schedule and budget. Budget is a critical part of your ad campaign. You will be presented with two options. The first is to set a maximum daily spend. It enables you to set a limit on how much you spend on the campaign per day. You will also set the lifetime budget which will specify the total amount you are willing to spend and how long the ads will run. As you adjust these options, you will see the expected daily results. However, ensure the indicator falls in the middle of the green range.

Step Three

Here is the step where you define your audience. You can decide to create a new audience or use a saved one. The saved audience is often useful because you get to use your customized audience without reinventing the wheel. You can also use an audience from previous campaigns. Whichever way, spend time choosing the audience that fits your business so you can see a good return on your ad spent.

Step Four

You will select your ad placement in this section. There is two option, and they include automatic and manual ad placement. In the automatic placement, Instagram places your ad based on where they feel it will perform best, but on manual, you get to choose the ad placement yourself. You could decide to place your ads in stories, as a post or even messages. It is often better to go with manual ad placement.

Step Five

This is the last step where you create your ads. You will choose your video from the gallery and input your ad copy, after which you will select a payment method. Facebook then reviews your ad, and it is live!


Promoting your business on Instagram is not so hard. Just leverage some amazing tools like video maker online to create amazing videos to make your promotion go viral. 


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