Instagram Stories: 9 Reasons Why Businesses Should Use Them


Instagram Stories should be a vital component of every social media plan.

According to Instagram, stories produced by businesses and organisations receive more views than those from regular users.

You may quickly sell products, tools, or other messaging you want to share with your audience with Instagram storey marketing while keeping Instagram engagement high.

Creating business stories can be a fun activity with numerous advantages.

You have all day to share as much as you want, with as much creativity as you want user story map.

Instagram Stories aren’t only for personal use; they also offer significant marketing benefits for companies. Are you still not convinced? After reading our list of advantages, you will be! Read on.

9 reasons why you should start banking on Instagram stories in 2022 

1. Strengthen and develop relationships

Instagram Stories are an excellent method to get people engaged in your business and hold a future in every marketing strategy. Any content you post to Stories is quick and easy to consume, making it more desirable to customers. You will strengthen your relationship with your fans by consistently presenting visual material throughout the day or week.

People will expect and look forward to seeing your posts updated regularly. Exclusive behind-the-scenes videos of your business’s personnel, as well as sneak peeks at future products and services, are a great way to thank your fans and enhance brand loyalty.

2. Brand awareness 

Instagram stories appear at the top of the app, so they’re the first thing users see when they open it. Keep your brand in front of your customers’ thoughts with compelling stories that make them feel like they’re a part of the adventure. Over one-third of Instagram users use stories every day, resulting in a 28-minute increase in time spent on the platform. You don’t have to panic, plan your content, get a good Instagram Video Editor and pour your creativity. 

Maintain your customer’s trust by providing helpful information that shows your enthusiasm for the industry and company. People purchase from people, so make sure your workforce is on board! Some stories, especially live videos, can send a push notification to some of your followers, enhancing views and brand visibility.

3. Grow your traffic 

Instagram Stories get easily discovered, and are even visible to accounts that don’t follow you yet, making this a great way to gain new followers. What exactly do we mean when we say “discoverable”? When you click the search option on Instagram, it will recommend content on numerous themes that might interest you, the majority of which will come from accounts you don’t follow. This is all about Instagram discovery. 

4. Engage your team 

Your staff are your most powerful brand ambassadors. A group of engaged, passionate people who genuinely care about your brand will always provide the most satisfactory results. Allowing customers to control your Instagram Stories will make them feel even more connected to your company. They’ll appreciate being at the forefront of the brand, and your consumers will enjoy learning more about the individuals that run it. With your profile, it’s crucial about maintaining that sense of exclusivity and loyalty.

5. Diversify your approach

To hold your target viewer’s attention and cater to their different interests. Adding a new channel or social media platform to your plan will almost always need starting from over with your profile and audience. This is another reason why to use stories because it is a brand-new feature on an established platform. If you already have an Instagram account and a following, you can easily vary your content using existing resources.

6. Take advantage of real-time marketing

Real-time marketing, which is used to reach your target audience at the correct time, is supported by stories. Posting live during an event or sale can inspire more people to come and make those who can’t attend feel connected to your company.

7. Have a great time marketing

Posting photographs and photos to your Instagram story merely takes a few taps, saving you time with your social media marketing. You may also take a vacation from the more thorough and planned material you publish now that you don’t have to worry about refining your posts and have more flexibility to experiment. Instagram Stories allows you to have a bit more fun with your Instagram marketing by enabling you to let go a little more.

8. Increase the traffic flow

Viewing numbers and interaction is excellent, but we hear some of you wondering, “How does it make money for me?” While brand recognition and social media engagement are essential factors in generating leads and sales, you can also send users to your website straight from stories, which is a huge benefit considering that the only other area on Instagram where you can put a URL is in your bio.

That’s correct; anyone with a verified Instagram account or 10,000+ followers may add a swipe-up’ link to their Stories. Don’t have 10,000 followers and aren’t verified? You may still use your Stories for marketing your products and services and referring visitors to the link in your profile, so don’t worry. Another option is just to post your website on the Story; however, this is not recommended.

9. Experiment with new concepts

There is less pressure on Instagram stories to develop anything exceptionally smart or extravagantly ‘professional.’ No, this feature is all about pace and exclusivity, making it ideal for testing out new content and campaign ideas.

Post your bold new idea on stories to see how well it works. The number of people who watch and interact with the Story will give you how popular this feature is.

Wrapping up 

Tell stories about your products and services, share your ideas with the community, discuss blog pieces, add tutorials on how to handle challenges, and anything else you’d want to contribute.

Instagram allows you to express yourself uniquely. Use stories to capture your journey and make your business more accessible. So, don’t wait and start planning how you will use Instagram stories in your business growth. 


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