Top 7 Benefits of Customizing a Kraft Box for Your Product


Today, any business needs a great packaging design regardless of sending a product to a retail reseller or delivering directly to the buyer’s doorstep. Your design is your impression on the buyer, and it’s essential because your goodwill is also an asset for you. Creating goodwill on buyers’ minds may take too much effort, but it will take only one second to destroy it if the buyer’s unboxing experience was not good.

So, it’s essential for every business regardless of its size. Perfect design and packaging are a glimpse of your care for the customers. But, first, a good impression decides if your buyer will have long-lasting memory and loyalty or forget about you and your business.

That’s the main reason companies engage the best resources for custom printed packaging boxes because they know the best people can design better for you. As a result, market worth and business grow rapidly. Here we are sharing some top-class benefits of customization of Kraft boxes for your product.

1- Safety First

Whether your product is fragile or not, it is crucial to safeguard it from breakage leakage and other damages since it takes too much time and effort to create and deliver it to retail shops or buyer’s doorsteps.

A broken item will cost your brand pretty heavily because no one would love to buy a damaged product, however famous your brand is. Also, since people love to put unboxing videos of their buying’s on YouTube, a single damaged product will affect millions of viewers and other buyers.

A customized, thick layered box will protect your product from damage. However, your product may be tight enough to damage it by the box or loose enough to get damaged by jumping all around the parcel in a regular box. So, the first benefit of customization pays well to your business in terms of safety.

2-Professional Designing

You have a free hand to design your product according to your wish. You can select an excellent design of a box for your product and get it printed in any style. You can use embossing, debossing, spot UV any many more options for customizing and making your product look more professional.

A tailored experience will give your product a premium look and feel. For example, you can use your brand logo or exceptional writing on the box. In addition, presenting your product in a different way will build an extraordinary personality.

You may add helpful information about your product or write contact information and encourage the customer to give feedback and review to improve your product precisely as your buyer wants. Your efforts for custom designing will pay you back in no time. So, do not forget to focus on the designing phase of your product packaging.

3-Design Precise shape and Size

If your product is small and you start packaging in a relatively big box with some foam and safety peanuts, it will not enhance your product experience. You are paying more money for a giant box and getting no attention from customers. The same case with a smaller box, if you fit your product in a very small or tight box, you will damage your product and decrease customers’ experience of unboxing. A precise box in which your product sits in a presentable manner is highly recommended. You can choose a partitioned drawer box if your product comes with some extra gadgets. Reusable box packaging also increases customer’s experience since many people like to reuse packaging; this makes them feel value to money.

4- A Cost-Effective Solution

Corrugated Kraft boxes are straightforward to build from recycled materials. No expensive material is used in their manufacturing, making it a very cost-effective and budget-friendly solution for your business. However, if you customize your designing patterns on the packaging, this may increase the price slightly, but cost-effectiveness stands still if packages are ordered in bulk.

Corrugated Kraft boxes are very rigid and lightweight that dramatically decreases your shipping cost. In addition, you will observe even a thicker box weighs lighter than all other solutions available.

5- Eco-Friendly Solution

All Kraft boxes are highly biodegradable and green for nature. In addition, these boxes contain wooden pulp and natural resins for production. That’s why all of the ingredients are recyclable and purely eco-friendly.

By using this packaging solution for your business will also increase business reputation among environment protection communities. Furthermore, you can take advantage of this packaging by organizing events on international Earth day and get your business prominent.

6- Be Prominent in The Competition

According to surveys about customers, experiences with packaging by, 52% of buyers are ready to pay more for extraordinary packaging, and businesses that try customized packaging report a 30% increase in sales of their redesigned product. If your product stands out in a different style and design, it is more likely to sell faster because most customers change their minds right after seeing product packaging. Your design is there to attract your potential buyers to pick up your product from shelves.

7- Event Base Designing

If you select custom designs for your product packaging, it will be effortless and convenient for you to launch event-based campaigns. For example, Halloween, Thanks Giving Day, Christmas, etc., you can redesign your product package accordingly and excite your customers. You can also put add on’s to sell more rapidly.


There are many more benefits of having customized packaging and boxes for your product; some of the top-rated are mentioned above.

Suppose you are selling to your retail buyers like Walmart, other stores, or directly to potential buyers using social media or other e-commerce platforms. In that case, good packaging raises your sale. You should hire professionals in the designing and customization domain. Many companies give custom printed packaging boxes services, but Stampa Prints is one of the well-known best service providers that deal in bulk quantity to make it cost-effective. They have expensive designers to design your customized packages at very cost-effective rates. If you are willing to get your packaging redesigned, go to their website and find exciting designs to select from, or you can ask for a specific design that exactly fits your product in a perfect way. It would be best to choose custom packaging to raise your sales in an ideal eco-friendly and cost-effective manner.


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