5 Signs You Should See an Orthopedic Spine Specialist


Back pain is one of the modern problems that almost everyone suffers currently or has suffered in the past. It can be due to accidental causes like tweaking your back while moving heavy furniture or due to some prolonged health issues like obesity or a weak core or issues like poor posture and a sedentary lifestyle. But experiencing “pain” is the body’s way of telling us that something is not right. If ignored, back pain can become a leading cause of disability. So if you are in the habit of grinning and bearing your back pain or depend on popping ibuprofen as a short-term solution, you might be masking your pain and setting yourself up for a problematic future. 

It is natural for human beings to lose muscle elasticity as they age. Minor pain can be taken care of by using products like adjustable back brace but if the symptoms still exist, there might be a bigger reason that needs your attention. Sometimes it can be an indication of underlying diseases like osteoporosis, herniated discs, and spinal stenosis. But unfortunately, many people ignore signs of chronic back pain for longer than they should. In this article, we will find out certain signs that you shouldn’t ignore as elaborated by an expert spine doctor here.

5 signs that indicate you to see an orthopedic spine specialist:

  1. Chronic pain for over 12 weeks: There are various categories of pain that might help you assess whether or not your pain is chronic. Acute pain is defined as pain that lasts for a few days or weeks. Typically, the reason will vanish, and no other measures will be required to ease the individual’s pain. Even if you have sought therapy for the initial reason, chronic pain of varying degrees lasts for 12 weeks or more. You may develop subacute discomfort if your back still hurts after four weeks. Subacute pain might persist anywhere from two to twelve weeks. A physical injury causes immediate discomfort that can be relieved with therapy, stretching, or non-invasive treatments. The majority of these aches and pains are mechanical in nature, which means they may be treated without surgery. A visit to the chiropractor may be sufficient in some cases. When your body doesn’t heal and the pain persists for weeks or months, you have passed the line into chronic pain, which requires a diagnosis. This can continue even after injuries or underlying causes have been addressed. It’s time to make an appointment with a doctor if you have been suffering from persistent back pain.
  1. Physical therapy has not helped: If you have visited a physical therapist but still haven’t noticed a permanent improvement in your back pain, it’s time to see an orthopedic spine specialist. A physical therapist’s job is to help you develop critical muscle groups like the core and glutes to relieve pressure on your spine. While physical therapy may be quite beneficial for many people, if your body isn’t responding as you had anticipated, you should seek a diagnosis for the core cause of your discomfort.
  1. Extremely painful: Back pain can range from minor to severe. An underlying disease is at work when back pain begins to impact your limbs, especially when it radiates from the lumbar back downward.  The involvement of the sciatic nerve is indicated by pain spreading down the back of the legs. If your back discomfort is persistent and recurring, it indicates that there is an underlying problem that has to be addressed. Something is not right, and your body is notifying you through your nerves. A herniated disc is frequently the source of this sort of discomfort, which needs the prompt attention of a spine specialist. It’s time to contact an orthopedic spine expert if your back pain is significant and interfering with your daily activities.
  1. Problems with bowel movement and bladder: It may be time to contact a spine expert if you find yourself racing to the restroom or sitting on the toilet for hours. Irritable Intestines Syndrome (IBS) and nerve injury are two conditions that can affect the bowel, bladder, and back. IBS can lead to lower back pain and stomach cramps. For instance, nerve injury in the back, on the other hand, can cause gut pain and impair digestion.
  1. Low quality of life: If your back discomfort prevents you from working or carrying out your everyday activities, you should see an orthopedic spine specialist. Especially when pain prevents you from doing things you used to like. This indicates that your back discomfort is significant enough to interfere with your daily activities. When you can’t do ordinary everyday tasks like climbing up the stairs or getting into your car, you have reached the stage where you require expert help. Back discomfort should never be so severe that it interferes with your daily activities. If this happens to you, go to the doctor for a diagnosis and treatment.


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