5 Steps for Improving the USA Education System


The USA, without any doubt, has the best education system in the world. But, if we look closely, this statement does not apply to all schools and colleges. Teachers at some instants aren’t even qualified enough to offer Physics, Economics or finance assignment help. Thus, in this blog, we will take a look at the aspects that require immediate scrutiny. 

  1. The Issue of Overcrowding

According to the National Center for Education Statistics, 14 percent of US schools are overcrowded. Of course, the problem is concentrated, affecting low-income and minority kids disproportionately. One in every five Chicago Public Schools primary kids, for example, begins the school year in overcrowded classrooms.

Overcrowding in the classroom has been proven to be ineffective time and time again:

  • Teachers are overworked.
  • Students do not receive the attention or individualization that they require.
  • Students lose interest, which encourages them to drop out.
  • Teachers and students are both under a lot of pressure.

Policymakers can start avoiding this issue by drafting master plans that forbid even minor overcrowding. This procedure must be ongoing, and maintenance will be required as new housing developments may cause capacity shifts in assignment help schools. Dedicated task forces of legislators can keep track of these changes. Moreover, the issue of lack of resources also has to be taken into consideration.

  • Increasing Standards for Teachers

Underqualified teachers have been linked to low student performance in studies, which is unsurprising. But, this is one of the easiest areas in which policymakers can make a difference. They need to clarify the requirements for instructors seeking licenses and raise the bar in places where student achievements are poor.

The Every Student Succeeds Act (ESSA), which took over from No Child Left Behind in 2015, has had the exact opposite effect. ESSA repealed the previous law’s “Highly Qualified Teacher” clause, reducing the federal government’s involvement in teacher licensure and evaluation.

These modifications, according to the National Preparation Organization, promote alternative teacher education programmes that do not effectively prepare teachers for entry into the classroom. Individual states will need to raise the bar for teacher certifications due to these changes to guarantee that educators are equipped for their positions.  If you struggle with any coding assignment, you should seek Computer Science assignment help from experts.

  • School Funding Should be Prioritized

In the United States, states contribute 44% of total education funding. According to the Center on Budget and Policy Priorities, 34 states put less money into education per student than they did before the recession. The issue isn’t only about cash-strapped states or the federal government struggling to make ends meet. It all boils down to a matter of priorities.

Hence, some of the priorities should be:

  • Introducing a progressive tax system

Local and federal governments might afford to enhance the public education system by taxing wealthy residents and companies.

  • Considering the big picture

This investment, too, pays out handsomely. Economists discovered in 2008 that investing in education positively impacted the country’s overall economic health by raising GDP.

  • Funding and support for teachers should be increased

Policymakers should concentrate not only on funding for the construction of new schools and the renovation of existing ones, but also on raising teacher funding, particularly in low-income communities.


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