Best Practices in Workforce Management


Workforce management is all about maximising your organisation’s competency, performance levels, and overall success. Essentially, it involves strategically planning and organising your workforce to achieve the best possible output. 

Good workforce management takes multiple factors and viewpoints into consideration, including employee needs, customer expectations, budget restrictions, and future goals for the business.

In this article, we’ll highlight five workforce management best practices, helping you take your business to the next level.

  1. Gather relevant data and insights

It’s no use collecting information that isn’t distinctly relevant to your business and its goals—it’ll only overwhelm your planning. Instead, collect high-quality data that applies specifically to your organisation and industry. 

Modern workforce management software allows you to integrate data from other systems, allowing you to analyse your entire business structure at a glance. For example, gathering time-tracking data can help you reduce business costs.

Having access to this data can help you track a range of useful metrics, including productivity, compliance, and labour utilisation. Make sure to set clear goals for these metrics and measure your success.

  1. Monitor and forecast trends—both internal and industry  

The modern market is ever-changing. Trends can come and go in a matter of weeks. It’s vital to stay on top of these changes—and predict them before they happen—to guarantee success.

Forecasting sales, for example, can help you schedule enough employees to handle the load—but without excess costs. Past data can help you predict busy or quiet periods, along with information about upcoming events, sales, weather conditions, or product launches.

You should also stay up-to-date with changing industry trends and economic conditions. Workforce management software offers a simple way to keep on top of these changes.

  1. Collect employee feedback

Remember—workforce management is about just that—your workforce. You should consider employee perspectives first and foremost.

Gathering feedback from employees allows you to make informed choices and changes to your workforce structure from the staff level. Employees have unique insights and observations upper management may miss.

Collecting and implementing employee feedback, including insights gained from performance review comments,  can also help staff members feel more valued, boosting morale and work performance.   

  1. Enable employee self-service

Employee self-service software—like a mobile application that allows staff to communicate about shift swaps or request changes—can streamline the workforce management process. As a manager, you can see these requests and changes in real-time.    

  1. Empower and motivate employees

Finally, effective workforce management is all about creating an empowering, motivating environment for your employees. After all, your workforce is key to your success!

Along with gathering and implementing employee feedback, proper education and training are additional ways to keep your employees motivated. When your staff members feel confident in their positions—and supported through consistent training—performance will rise.    


Effective workforce management is all about gathering quality insights that are relevant to your organisation and its goals. You should also look into trends and consider potential changes—both within your organisation itself and industry-wide. Finally, focus on your employees. Ensure they feel in control, motivated, and empowered in their work to guarantee success.

Remember—best practices are fluid. The ideal way to manage your workforce will grow and evolve with the market. To keep on top of these changes, consider using an all-in-one workforce management tool.  


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