X Ways Insurance Companies’ Use of Predictive Analytics is Shaping the Industry


Insurance is one of the key requirements whether your business is in the service industry or deeply involved in production and manufacturing. Either way, at the very least, businesses need general liability insurance for indemnity against damages, injuries, and defamation or copyright infringement issues. However, a business owner’s policy bundle includes general liability and commercial property insurance is better to provide better insurance coverage for business property, inventory, equipment, and furnishings and may even include losses due to business interruptions.  

Insurance companies provide insurance on the value of the materials, which mitigates the risk of losses for the business. However, the insurance companies charge a premium to take on the business risks. In order to convince the customer to pay this premium, an insurance company needs to present a cost-benefit analysis. To perform this cost-benefit analysis, the companies evaluate the potential advantage and cost likely to be incurred if the risk is not mitigated. To predict this cost, insurance companies rely on the predictive modeling tool. This tool enables insurance companies to use very specific data to come up with reliable figures to set insurance premiums. 

Pricing for Businesses 

Pricing is a crucial element in insurance when getting clients. Like every other corporate entity, the companies want to determine a price level where they are covering the cost and making a profit. 

Insurance companies have access to huge amounts of data from primary and secondary sources, enabling them to develop better risk assessments. The insurance company is likely to have a more accurate measure of the cost involved in covering business risks through better risk analysis. At the same time, predictive modeling helps the insurance companies to generate the what-if scenarios that enable them to predict the cost involved. Consequently, insurance companies can develop predictive modeling insurance plans at a more appropriate price level to make higher profits. 

The factors that affect the cost of your general liability are the size and nature of your business operations, employees on your payroll, your industry experience, and your claims history. Accordingly, insurance companies devise class codes and assign a category to your business. 

Other factors that determine your insurance are your business premises’ location, size, and condition. You can reduce your premiums by installing appropriate fire hazard protection and security systems on-site. Additionally, any business-owned carriers or vehicles should have reliable drivers with good records. Automatically, your commercial liability, workers’ compensation, and commercial auto insurance rates will go down. 

However, maintaining a set standard of operations is important because your annual audit will define your next year’s premium. 

Better Customer Read

Paying your premiums on time establishes your profile. It plays a significant role in determining the cost of the premium of your business because predictive modeling uses existing and past patterns to figure out whether the business will be able to maintain its payments. If you allow your coverage to lapse, this automatically increases the premiums you have to pay to insure your business. 

Loyal customers are crucial in insurance companies, and predictive modeling helps insurance companies to read their customers well. It can use analytics to mark the loyal customers and continuously take the services based on their transactional history and past relationships. The company can estimate the trajectory line for probable future transactions with this information. This analysis will help the insurance companies mark the right customers for their business and focus on them. For example, it is more important to cater to the specific needs of a loyal customer instead of the one who is not taking up the services on a normal level. By focusing on the right customers through predictive modeling, insurance companies are likely to have a steady revenue which is good for the health of the insurance business.

Figuring the Fraudulent claims

Insurance companies’ main threat continuously faces an outlier or fraudulent claims. Often the claim raised by the customers poses a risk of duplication. Repetitive claims can be identified through predictive modeling, which helps the insurance companies closely scrutinize such claims. This review allows the insurance companies to figure out the outlier claims. By giving crucial information to the companies and analyzing trends and history, predictive modeling helps to keep things in control. It protects the insurance companies from the fraudulent claims getting processed, which eventually results in lower costs and better margins.

Holistic View of the Customer

Predictive modeling ensures that a company has all the information regarding the business, which means that the company can have a holistic view of the customer. With the 360 reads, it can predict the customer’s future needs and proactively come up with packages to cater to them. This profiling can make insurance companies develop customized models preferred in this consumer-driven market. Predictive modeling helps insurance companies devise unique insurance packages across different business sectors. 

With the information coming in from different perspectives, the position and decision-making improve tremendously. Not only did it help the company to reach the golden price point, but it also covered from the risk of higher costs.

Identifying Potential Markets and Customers

Globalization has opened new doors for companies to venture into different countries. As they venture into new markets, companies share knowledge, products, and services across the borders via intercompany transactions. Generally, the intercompany transactions for companies consist of buying and selling inventories. Despite the opportunities, it brings some additional risks for the companies. One of the risks is the loss of products in transit. These risks are often mitigated with the aid of insurance companies.  

Big data means a lot of information about a region, its people, culture, preferences, and lifestyle. Having access to huge amounts of data, a company can run its analysis in many ways that provide the best knowledge about the markets and the customers. One result from this analysis is the identification of markets where there is more potential and room for insurance companies to flourish and work. Identifying the right marketplace allows the opportunities for market diversification and higher profits.

Furthermore, modeling helps companies prepare for the risks beforehand. Any risk the business is likely to face due to market penetration within the country or outside the country. This protection makes the entrance to markets very smooth and, at the same time, helps to lower extra and additional costs that come with the new risks of exploring the markets.


Predictive modeling is shaping the insurance industry for the better. From giving insights into the customer’s preferences to avoiding the processing of fraudulent claims, it has provided insurance companies with the right tool for flourishing. It does not only help in devising better pricing strategies but, at the same time, has enabled insurance companies to have the best deal in place. It has empowered insurance companies to be game changers in the industry.


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