‘Not Indian culture’: Govt on elephant death in Kerala after it was fed with firecracker stuffed pineapple

The Kerala Forest department has launched a 'manhunt' for those responsible for the death of a 15-year-old pregnant wild elephant, said an official. The elephant had died after being seriously injured by firecrackers hidden in a pineapple. Speaking to IANS Samuel Pachuau, the Wildlife Warden of the Silent Valley National Park, near here said this was a serious crime whosoever was behind it. According to Pachuau, some people had placed firecrackers inside a pineapple and this was eaten by the wild elephant and in the process of chewing the cracker burst and injured the elephant.

Days after a pregnant elephant kicked the bucket in Kerala after it was taken care of a pineapple loaded down with sparklers, the Central government on Thursday took a genuine note of the occurrence and said that it will be explored appropriately.

“We won’t leave any stone unturned to explore appropriately and capture the guilty parties, Environment Minister Prakash Javadekar stated, while including that “it’s anything but an Indian culture to take care of sparklers and slaughter”.

“Condition Ministry has taken a genuine note of the passing of an elephant in Kerala. Has looked for complete report on the occurrence. Harsh move will be made against the culprit(s),” he said.

Then, Kerala Forest Minister K Raju has cautioned of severe activity against the guilty parties liable for the murdering of the pregnant elephant.

He further explained that the stunning episode occurred in Kerala’s Palakkad and not Malappuram as asserted by BJP pioneer Maneka Gandhi.

Basic entitlements extremist Maneka Gandhi had on Wednesday lashed out at the Kerala government for not making any move on a pregnant elephant’s boorish “murder” in Malappuram.

Gandhi had said that Malappuram is India’s most vicious locale and an elephant is killed like clockwork in Kerala. “It is a homicide, Malappuram is well known such episodes, it is India’s most rough area. For example, they toss poison on streets so 300-400 flying creatures and pooches pass on at once,” she said.

Raju, be that as it may, said that he wouldn’t like to remark on the comments at this crossroads.

The Kerala Forest office has propelled a ‘manhunt’ for those liable for the demise of the 15-year-old pregnant wild elephant.

The occurrence is of Palakkad when a pregnant elephant had gone into a town looking for food on May 27. In any case, the residents took care of a pineapple loaded down with saltines to it. As the wafers detonated, the elephant endured genuine wounds on its tongue and mouth.

Later she strolled into a waterway and hung tight for three days as its life was gradually snuffed out.

The occurrence has pulled in gigantic judgment via web-based networking media, where the images indicated the mother elephant saying it was her shortcoming to confide in mankind, while the unborn youngster in her belly continued asking: “What is my issue, Ma?”


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