Must-Know the Umrah Facts, History, Rituals, and Restrictions!!!

Kaaba Mecca

Umrah is a non-obligatory and the most spiritual pilgrimage undertaken by a huge number of pilgrims every year. Pilgrims can have a wonderful experience on their spiritual path to the Islamic holy sites of both Makkah and Madina. Muslim pilgrims ask forgiveness and blessings from Allah on this soul-lifting pilgrimage. Despite its widespread popularity, many Muslims are unaware of a number of facts regarding Umrah.

Therefore, simply making the decision to perform Umrah is insufficient. To have a blissful experience and perform the sacred rituals of Umrah effectively, one must be aware of all necessary facts about Umrah.

Muslims Holy Travel strives to provide the best-selling Umrah Packages from London with lots of facilities and amenities. But first, understanding the history, standards, and penalties might help one prepare for the challenging but rewarding spiritual journey.

To perform Umrah without making any amateur mistake, it is necessary to be aware of several key facts about Umrah. The pilgrims’ journey would be more gratifying and pleasurable if they understood these points. For knowing more, go through the informational facts mentioned below;

  1. It is essential to know that; In Arabic, the word Umrah refers to “go to a crowded place.”
  2. The Umrah pilgrimage, in its current form, dates back to the period of Prophet Mohammad (ﷺ) and is made up of many pre-Islamic traditions that were redefined in monotheistic perspectives and augmented by Muslim prayers.
  3. During his lifetime, our beloved Prophet Mohammad (ﷺ) conducted Umrah four times. The duration for both Hajj & Umrah pilgrims is specified in their visas. Overstaying can result in a penalty of up to 50,000 SAR, as well as 6 months in prison and deportation.
  4. Even before Islam was introduced, people performed circumambulations around the Holy Kabah. It is true that Hazrat Adam (AS) was the first one who construct the holy Kabah, then by Prophet Ibrahim (AS) and his son Hazrat Ismail (AS).
  5. The Holy Kabah is the House of Allah Almighty and the pilgrims there are known as the guests of Allah.
  6. According to a Hadith, performing Umrah in Ramadan is equivalent to performing Hajj, which is one of the most essential facts about Umrah.
  7. It is common fact that the usage of mobile phones is not permissible, however, the main reason behind this is to keep the pilgrim’s attention and energy focused on the pilgrimage.
  8. It is well known that the pilgrims must perform Sai to honor Hazrat Bibi Hajra, the Prophet Ibrahim’s (AS) wife, and her quest between both the hills of Safa and Marwa in order to quench the thirst of her baby son, Hazrat Ismail (AS).
  9. Also, the well of ZamZam sprung up from below Prophet Ismail’s (AS) feet, due to Allah Almighty’s great miracle. It was named ZamZam when Hazrat Bibi Hajra (AS) commanded it to stop flowing by saying Zam Zam, which implies “to stop.”
  10. There are 2 types of Umrah, one is Umrah al-Tamattu, & another is Umrah al-Mufradah.
  11. Umrah that you can perform in the hajj months is known as “Umrah al-Tamattu”, whereas the Umrah that you can perform at any time of the year, excepting from the hajj month is known as “Umrah al-Mufradah”.
  12. Meeqat is the starting point for pilgrims on their Umrah journey. The pilgrims wear their Ihram dresses in these places. Yalamlam or al-Sadiah, Qarn al-Manazil, Dhat Irq, or al-Sayl, Al-Juhfah or Rabigh, and also Al-Juhfah or Rabigh are the 5 Meeqats.
  13. Males and females must know the true concept of “Satar”, or the portion of the body which must be supposed to cover when wearing Ihram.
  14. Men must cover their chests and legs up to their knees while wearing Ihram for Umrah, but it is not permissible for them to cover their ankles and heads. On the other hand, women must cover their hair as well as their entire bodies.
  15. In front of Maqam-e-Ibrahim, every pilgrim must have to offer 2 Rakat after performing 7 tawafs around the Kabah.
  16. Male pilgrims must shave their heads in order to accomplish their Umrah. Female pilgrims, on the other hand, only have to cut their hair to one finger length. Halq and Taqsir are the names given to these rituals.
  17. If a man seems to have no hair on his head, he must also clean his scalp with a razor in the same manner as Halq.
  18. If mistakes occur during Umrah’s performance, he or she must atone for through expiation or Fidyah.
  19. There are 3 kinds of Umrah penalties such as Badanah, Damm, and also Sadaqah. Depending on the seriousness of the mistake done by any pilgrim, he must have to offer required Fidyah. Knowing this Umrah fact assists people in making proper atonement for their mistakes.
  20. A male mahram, which can be a male adult family member or relative as well, must accompany women below the age of 45. When traveling in a group, it is permissible for a woman above the age of 45 to travel without a mahram.

All the above mentioned Umrah facts can help you enrich your sacred journey and also add more spirit to your visit to the House of Allah Almighty, the Most Merciful.


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