How To Roadtrip In Hilly Areas?


Hills, roads, cars, and friends – the deadliest travel combination ever, isn’t it? 

Escaping into the steep mountains is a way of life for most travelers. A few might choose to fly or travel by train. However, the experience of voyaging via roads is irreplaceable. As fascinating as it may sound (which is really on some note), there are several factors to consider while planning a road trip to the hills. 

What if you enter some hilly area that’s already covered in fog? Or what will you do when your car gets punctured on the sharpest mountain turn? These situations arise at the moment without prior intimation. Hence, you should be ready to face anything on the hills. This guide will learn everything in detail about road trips in hilly areas. 

Prep Yourself

While traveling to hilly roads, the conditions might not be harsh but different. Therefore, you need to prep yourself before heading towards the hills. In the mountains, the weather might be cold and snowy sometimes. So it’s better to mentally prepare yourself to live life for a few days in low temperatures.

You can train yourself by removing the woolens for a while and bear the cold as long as you can to become strong. When you train your body for the hilly conditions, don’t forget to train your brain, too. Mostly, travelers panic or fall sick on the hills because they mentally give up. So before you start your road trip on the hills, be prepared both mentally and physically. 

Along with you, your vehicle needs some beforehand preparations for the hills, too. For starters, a roof rack, preferably a defender 110 roof rack, should be installed on your car. Take your car for a maintenance checkup before you hit the roads. Ask the mechanic to primarily looking for brake function, battery life, engine condition, and greasing needs. Also, make sure that the air pressure in the tires is good. 

A good-looking car might take you to the hills. But if the internal condition is weak, it may harass you midway at any time. And there are pretty chances of getting no help on narrow and snowy roads. Therefore, before your hill road trip, prep yourself and make your car ready from the inside out. 

Carry-on List 

Welcome to the tricky part of a hilly road trip! 

You already know what you might face on the roads. That’s why you should have all the essential gear in your backpack to ensure a smooth hill road trip experience. Let’s start with the basics. You can’t skip packing woolens in your bag while traveling to chilly hills. Furthermore, you must carry snow-worthy footwear and a spare pair of shoes if you tear or lose the first pair. 

Always keep two thermal water bottles for storing and another for beverages like tea or coffee. Believe it or not, staying hydrated and rich in the beverage will help you withstand the cold. Also, pack your required toiletries, grooming essentials, and vital medicines. The last tip for personal gear – have more cash rather than depending on the ATMs. 

Besides personal essentials, you will need a few other things to travel by car on the hills. Let’s start with snow chains first. If you are traveling to snow-covered hills, carry and know how to use snow chains on type of tires for your safety. 

Bring along an anti-freeze windshield washer, windshield scraper, and a tool kit with tow straps and shackles with the chains. Don’t forget to check all the items in your car’s first-aid kit before leaving. Having these gear in your possession proves fruitful in times of need on the cliffs. 

Things to Take Care on The Road

Now let’s consider a few tips regarding hilly area driving. 

The hills aren’t your regular highway. So don’t change lanes often. Also, when you do so, pass the lights. Even when overtaking another vehicle, show the proper indicator light. There might be fog while driving in the mountains. So keep on the heater inside to prevent the car condensation. 

Use foggy lights on the misty roads and rest low-beam lights while driving hills. Plus, keep your taillights and blinker on for other drivers to spot your car from a distance. Nevertheless, follow the magnetic blinkers on the road for utmost safety and keep a safe distance between your car and other vehicles ahead of you. 

Steer your car in the same direction to avoid vehicle skidding when driving on a snowy road. While on the snow-covered roads, don’t hesitate to stop your vehicle for allowing trucks and buses to cross before you. Keep the windscreen and windshield clean for better vision and ensure all the light indicators are working well. 

Also, blow the horn frequently at turns and especially while changing lanes. Don’t worry about the sound pollutionā€”your safety matters and others’ too. Moreover, track the weather conditions of your journey route and destination regularly. The ultimate tip – maintain low speed. 


A hill road trip can be the best thing that has happened to you in your life so far. But to make this happen, you should take care of all the precautions, pack intelligently, and implement all these tips while driving. Rest assured, you will enjoy every second of your driving by the hills, capturing moments, and making lifetime memories!  


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