How to Become a Superhost on Airbnb


Anyone can post their vacation rental home on Airbnb and develop a successful company. Being an Airbnb Superhost distinguishes you from the competition and secures your standing as a leading Airbnb host.

This highly coveted emblem provides you with a reputation amongst passengers and other commercial advantages. But how can you get this accolade and become one of Airbnb’s highest-rated hosts?

We’ll explain all you need to know about the Airbnb Superhost award program so that you may join the top hosts in the industry.

What is an Airbnb Superhost?

Only the most experienced, welcoming, and highly-rated hosts on Airbnb are designated as Superhosts. If you qualify for this category, you will get a unique orange label on your listing and profile, which will increase your listing’s exposure and earning potential and provide you access to exclusive Airbnb perks.

Notably, the Superhost label differentiates only the finest hosts, not the greatest listings. However, Airbnb offers an Airbnb Plus program that recognizes hosts with the best quality listings.

Benefits of becoming a Superhost on Airbnb

Having the Airbnb Superhost badge on your profile and listings gives you access to several chances and privileges that you would not otherwise have. Becoming a Superhost requires some effort, but it is worth the effort.

Earn additional cash

With the rise in bookings that comes with being a Superhost, it’s reasonable to assume that you may anticipate increased money.

Even while becoming a Superhost does not immediately increase your income, it puts you in a position to do so. Compared to standard Airbnb hosts, Superhosts have an occupancy rate that is 81 percent higher, generating up to 60 percent more daily income.

Attract more visitors

As only the greatest hosts can reveal their Superhost rank, it seems obvious that displaying the badge increases guests’ confidence more quickly. Every visitor has experienced negative contact with a host, ranging from indifference to rudeness. If you are in the Superhost category, it is almost certain that your visitors’ time spent with you will be joyful and unforgettable.

Your guests will immediately recognize your expertise and superior hospitality. Some Airbnb guests restrict their search results to display only listings with the Airbnb Superhost label. It is a simple method to attract more visitors and reservations to your listing as guests seek out Superhosts.

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Obtain access to special benefits

Every host needs annual vacation time, so let Airbnb pay your expenses. Airbnb gives Superhosts a $100 Airbnb discount for each year they maintain their Superhost title.

Airbnb Superhosts additionally get a 20 percent higher referral incentive if they suggest a new host. That’s the potential for more financial gain.

Receive specialized assistance and special acknowledgment

As a Superhost, you get priority support from Airbnb whenever you phone or email them for assistance. This guarantees that you can give your visitors superior assistance and service.

Airbnb also sends out monthly emails regarding Superhosts, allowing you to get recognition for being a member of this exclusive community. As a Superhost, you will also access new product releases and event announcements. Stay abreast of any Airbnb-related developments to keep your listing current and optimal.

How to Become an Airbnb Superhost

It is not difficult to join this privileged circle on Airbnb. Airbnb has developed four criteria for Superhosts to satisfy in terms of excellent performance. The performance in these areas will be evaluated every three months. To earn the title of Superhost, you must achieve these requirements for a whole year.

Less than one percent rate of cancellation

Superhosts are not permitted to cancel on their guests. Hence the bar for them is less than one percent of the time. This ensures that Superhosts with less than 100 appointments each year may cancel at no cost to their guests.

This does not cover mitigating situations such as natural catastrophes, travel restrictions imposed by the government, military activities, or a proclaimed state of emergency.

Obtain a rating of 4.8 or higher

Superhosts must have an average rating of 4.8 or better. This is based on guest reviews from the previous year. Superhosts are supposed to provide superior service and hospitality; their high review score demonstrates this.

10+ stays

To achieve Superhost rank, Airbnb hosts must operate a somewhat profitable company. This implies they must have had at least 10 stays at their listing in the last year, or 100 nights spread among at least 3 completed stays for long-term rentals. This demonstrates that visitors may feel comfortable staying with a seasoned host.

90 percent response rate

Communication is vital to the success of a short-term rental company. Thus, Superhosts are required to react to 90 percent of incoming messages within 24 hours. This includes inquiries, complaints, and booking requests. Superhosts must pay close attention to their visitors’ needs.

How to get your Superhost designation

To join the Superhost program and earn the Superhost badge, you must satisfy the aforementioned criteria over a long time. True; no paperwork or documents are necessary to begin earning Superhost privileges. Airbnb entirely automates and manages the whole procedure.

Airbnb examines the stated criteria every three months to decide whether a host wins or retains the Superhost designation. If none of the four requirements are satisfied, the individual’s status will be withdrawn, potentially regaining it in the future.

FAQs regarding the Superhost designation on Airbnb

Now that we’ve discussed Airbnb Superhost, you’ve likely had some questions along the road. Now, let’s address some frequently asked questions about being an Airbnb Superhost.

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How many reviews are required to become an Airbnb Superhost?

To qualify as an Airbnb Superhost, you must have at least a 4.8 overall rating based on your reviews. Consequently, the quantity of reviews you have on Airbnb is less important than the quality of reviews.

To qualify as a Superhost, hosts must maintain a rating extremely close to 5 stars. Maintaining a 4.8+ rating average if you have several reviews is considerably simpler since a single negative review will not significantly affect your total score. While having a large number of reviews isn’t a prerequisite to becoming a Superhost, it’s always better to gather as many reviews as possible to build consumer confidence.

What happens if you must cancel due to an emergency?

Superhosts must have a cancellation rate of less than 1 percent, which poses the issue of what happens if you must cancel due to an emergency.

Whether an emergency arises, you should check Airbnb’s list of mitigating circumstances to determine if it is covered. If it is on that list, you will not be punished for canceling your visitors, nor will your Superhost status be compromised. Consider the possibility that you may need to claim with Airbnb due to unforeseen events.

Any cause for cancellation not specified above will not be forgiven and will impact your Superhost status.

How long must one be a host before becoming a Superhost?

There is no minimum amount of time required to become a Superhost. You should just fulfill the criteria during the three-month evaluation period. This will give you the Superhost designation.

When Airbnb checks every three months, they evaluate your performance as a host over the last year to obtain an overall picture.

Should you become an Airbnb Superhost?

Becoming an Airbnb Superhost demands a lot of time and work, so you may ask whether it’s worthwhile. As we previously highlighted, there are several advantages to becoming an Airbnb Superhost, but the decision is yours. Some incentives include an increase in reservations, the ability to attract more visitors, access to unique prizes, and the possibility of a profit boost.

In general, displaying the Superhost badge on your Airbnb profile will benefit your vacation rental company. Guests can perceive you as an experienced and devoted host who ranks among the finest. Becoming an Airbnb Superhost is unquestionably worthwhile if you are ready to do the work.


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