Coronavirus Lockdown: Mumbai Police Shows How Social Distancing Works Through Tic-Tac-Toe


Spasm Tac-Toe or Xs and 0s was one of the most famous table games of the 1980’s and 1990’s, adored by most. Much before cell phones came into picture, Tic-Tac-Toes has been a piece of last pages dirty tricks found in each textbooks, as kids and grown-ups would frequently play the game as a passtime.

Presently, Mumbai Police’s most recent post on Instagram has got individuals thinking back the mainstream youth game. In the post, the police office clarifies the standards of social separating through an image that peruses, “In the event that we needed to show rules of social removing with Tic-Tac-Toe”.

The image shows two groups – an individual strolling and police vehicle put in a Tic-Tac-Toe game arrangement. A line goes through the three police vehicles demonstrating the champ simply like the well known game wherein the player who prevails with regards to putting three of their imprints in an even, vertical, or slanting column is the victor.

The police office wrote in the subtitle of the post, “We will win just when you are sheltered!” The post shared on Thursday earned 15,131 likes on Instagram, with huge amounts of remarks where clients commended how the police division concocts such imaginative guides to clarify the standards of the lockdown.

A client stated, “You place the best model before us..hats off to you folks.” Another utilized stated, “I truly love these things you all post.” One client stated, “nothing superior to this model.” A client, intrigued by the post got some information about their internet based life chief. “You’re caught in the event that you cross the limit,” said another client in the remarks. “This is by a wide margin a standout amongst other spasm tac toe,” said a client remarking on the post.


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