3 Writing Tools to Better Your Academic Life


Turning good essay writing into a great one is not an easy job. Writing quality materials is the best way to engage users. Assignments must be of superior quality if you want to advance your career. Writing assignments in any language is not an easy job. Your teachers expect you to use various skills for expressing ideas and produce creative responses.   

As they step into the next level of academic success, students will meet several challenges. To overcome the challenges, we have enlisted 3 top academic tools that will  take assignment help for students with writing. The right academic writing software will help you boost your productivity and organize your thoughts and ideas. It will make your academic life less stressful and easier. Academic tools will combat any kind of writing issues you might be facing. It will come in handy during your entire essay writing process. I am going to share 3 popular academic writing tools for you:

1. Grammar checking tools

A lot of times students tend to miss the most obvious mistakes. These mistakes will kill the standard of your essay assignments. They are effective writing software that will correct your mistakes of grammar, punctuation, and spelling. It will fix all your possible mistakes. It will include synonyms to help you diversify your texts. They are perfect for correcting your spelling, grammar, or punctuation mistakes. 

It will provide you with a list of suggestions and you will need to pick the right suggestion. It is designed to highlight all the possible errors in the contents. The software goes way beyond your grammar to improve your buy term paper writing style.

The software will even show you a percentage of clarity, correctness, engagement. The software will give you an overall score for writing essays. The tool will also help you scan plagiarism mistakes within the content. It will scan your document against all sources. This is a great option for students who speak English as a second language. You need to understand that making mistakes is not the problem but it is not identifying those mistakes. Using professional software like Grammarly will help you learn your mistakes and grow as a writer.

Some of the popular grammars checking tools are:

  • ProWritingAid
  • Linguix
  • Grammarly
  • Outwrite
  • Paperrater
  • Outwrite
  • Ginger Online
  • Online Correction

Perks of using grammar checking tools:

  • Reliable checking
  • Improves your vocabulary
  • Checks inconsistencies in writing style
  • Attention to word usage and sentence structure’’
  • Formality and tone detection
  • Available on both desktop and mobile

2. Plagiarism checking tools

Plagiarism checkers will help you from failing a grade. It is a user-friendly tool that will help with detecting your plagiarism mistakes within just a few mistakes. Plagiarism is considered to be an academic sin. Students all over the world do not fear anything more than plagiarism mistakes. It will scan and compare files against the submitted text. It can detect all types of plagiarism. It even provides the link to all the plagiarized sources. It is equipped with an advanced algorithm that allows it to find paraphrased or copied content. It works for multiple languages.

Top plagiarism checker tools found online:

  • Copyleaks
  • PaperRater
  • Plagiarisma
  • Plagiarism checker
  • Plagium
  • Plagscan
  • Quetext
  • Plagiarism Hunt

Benefits of plagiarism checking tools:

  • Helps you write original content in a short span of time
  • Helps in staying within the ethical limits
  • It is like an individual education aid
  • It is easy to use
  • Provides fast result

3. Paraphrasing Tools

It delivers unique and comprehensive results on all types of academic papers like reports, articles, essays, assignments, etc. No matter how much you might have been careful with writing content; there are chances of your tutor to find mirrored content in your work. It is known as an article rewriter, content spinner, or sentence rephraser. It can paraphrase content to the desired level of uniqueness while keeping the original meaning of the content intact. They are designed to find unique ways of expressing content which makes it so desirable among students.

This tool is perfect for those who are not confident enough about their writing skills or do not know how to structure their content. It is for those who fail to think critically or tend to type very quickly. It will generate synonyms that are most accurate to the text you have inserted. All you would require doing is entering and pasting the text that you want to paraphrase and the software will do the rest for you.

Here are a few recommended Paraphrase tool for you:

  • Paraphrase Online
  • Spinbot
  • Duplichecker
  • GoParaphrase
  • Essaygator
  • Prepost SEO
  • CoderDuck
  • SpinRewriter

Perks of using paraphrasing tools online:

  • Time-saving
  • Cuts down all the fluff
  • Showcases the better way of writing
  • Produces plagiarism-free content
  • Easy to use
  • Simplifies complicated sentences
  • Helps to brainstorm


The road to successful academic life is never an easy one. You must utilize all the opportunities you get to score good grades. Your academic life is incomplete without the academic tools mentioned in the blog post. It will not only improve your writing standard but also help you grow as a writer.

AUTHOR BIO: AnneP Gill is an app developer at one of the most influential companies in the UK. She is also associated with MyAssignmenthelp.com, where she offers assignment help adelaide solutions to students.


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