The Many Valuable Perks of Working with a Netsuite Partner

Netsuite Partner
The Many Valuable Perks of Working with a Netsuite Partner

When people were working with computers in, let’s say the 1990s, the word “cloud” was not yet a word or term that most people associated with technology. Well, obviously people only could relate with clouds when they look up in the sky and see those white or grey marshmallow-like formations. But that was until a few visionaries saw the tremendous perks of delivering software and software-related services over the Internet, and among these included Larry Ellison and Evan Goldberg, who co-founded Oracle Corporation in Austin, Texas.  The two launched NetLedger, which would eventually become NetSuite in 1998. Here’s a look at the many valuable perks of working with a netsuite partner.

What is NetSuite?

Before we go straight to discussing the many wonderful perks of working with a netsuite partner, let’s first provide a quick overview of what NetSuite is, which should be very helpful for first-time users, or the “not-so-techy” so to speak.

 NetSuite is a US software company which has developed a cloud-based business management platform that is used by more than 34,000 companies and organizations across the planet. This platform consists of a suite of applications which companies and organizations effectively run and/or manage their business, understand the performance of their businesses, and drive major cost savings and efficiency gains. 

NetSuite’s ERP, or cloud-based Enterprise Resource Planning system provides companies and organizations with all the much-needed applications for running their businesses or organizations smoothly and efficiently, while at the same time driving growth and progress.

Companies and organizations of all sizes and shapes across dozens of industries worldwide run on NetSuite today, where they effectively harness the many capabilities of its applications for customer relationship management (CRM), human resources, professional services, e-commerce, finance, sales, performance management and payroll, supply chain management and more.

Thanks to a central data source, the information from across the system updates in real time, and is readily accessible to authorized users across various business functions. This gives chief executives, managers and other key personnel with a real-time, 360° view of the business, so that they can see which departments, sections or agencies are excelling and which need some help or advice.

NetSuite also utilizes the “software as a service” or SaaS model, wherein customers pay a subscription fee for accessing the technology, although they’re not responsible for any underlying infrastructure or system maintenance work (which includes buying and setting up servers, installing software or testing and deploying patches and upgrades).

The best thing is that Oracle NetSuite does all of that for their customers, apart from providing them with two new software updates every year! This reduces, or even eliminates the need for maintenance and upgrade costs which often come with on premises or onsite solutions. 

Not only will this save businesses and organizations money, but it will also allow their employees and even their stakeholders to effectively focus on the company or organization’s mission, and efficiently serve their clients.

The SaaS model also provides one important thing to its users, which is scalability. Like for example, a business entity or organization can add functionality as they require it, without having to worry about infrastructure or staff resources.

Here’s another example: A B2B manufacturer may choose to add NetSuite’s e-commerce module after it decides to begin selling online. Ultimately, NetSuite provides its clients with control and visibility through a single source of real-time data and information, as well as the ability to add modules on the go. 

The Many Amazing Perks of Working with a NetSuite Partner

Now, before we directly talk about the perks of working with a netsuite partner, let’s first define what these two words mean. A NetSuite partner possesses the knowledge and experience to support a client’s goals with NetSuite, which potentially leads to business success.

A netsuite partner can provide customized solutions, help with implementing leading practices, as well as make sure that clients take full advantage of all the available features to enhance efficiency and productivity.

Working hand in hand with a netsuite partner provides the business entity or organization with truly helpful access to Oracle NetSuite ERP professionals who can help them in deploying and using all the NetSuite apps and other NetSuite products and services.

Now, let’s dive in to the many benefits of working with netsuite partners. First is the cost savings. By working with these experts, your company or organization can save money in the long run by avoiding all the costly mistakes or errors that often occur with poor implementation or customization of your NetSuite solution. Your partner can also help with identifying the areas where automation and other efficiency measures could lead to cost savings and efficiency.

And, just like I mentioned a bit earlier, the next amazing benefit of working with a netsuite partner is improved efficiency. This partner will assist you in configuring the system for optimal performance, as well as make sure that you will have the training required to use it effectively. This will help to enhance overall efficiency by cutting down the time needed to complete certain tasks. 

The third major benefit of working with a netsuite partner is better support. These partners are well-known for providing 24/7 technical support and access to those who know how to quickly troubleshoot any issues or glitches that may arise.

These individuals also have a deeper understanding of NetSuite, and they too can provide all the needed guidance on best practices for leveraging the system’s many features. This guarantees that your business entity or organization will run smoothly, and that any issues or problems that you may encounter will be dealt with effectively.

And, these amazing netsuite partners can also provide you with proactive advice during upgrades and feature releases. They are also very much updated with the latest versions and feature releases, so that they can advise you on how to make the most out of these new capabilities and features.

Your netsuite partners will also help you further understand which features are applicable to your business, and help to ensure that they are correctly configured, which helps to reduce downtime and other errors during upgrades! 

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