8 Things You Should Know About Ultherapy


One time we are full of zest in our youthful years, and the next, we are dealing with the inevitable: aging. Such is life. Over time, gravity does its thing: wrinkles start popping up on our faces, and skin starts to sag here and there. Before we know it, we look as though life did a number on us!

The aging process comes with its own set of challenges. Fortunately, some skin-firming procedures can help give you a youthful look. Enter Ultherapy. Have you heard of such a term before? Or are you searching for Ultherapy specialists in LA? Let me offer an insider’s look at some aspects you should know about Ultherapy. 

  1. It’s FDA-Approved 

Ultherapy is a non-invasive beauty treatment used to tighten the skin around the face, neck, and chest. Now, why is FDA approval a big deal? 

It means that Ultherapy is safe for use as a skin-tightening procedure and that its proven benefits outweigh its possible side effects. Safety considerations are worth bearing in mind before opting for any treatment. 

Still, the FDA determines the risk management strategies of specific procedures. Thus, it implies that professionals offering Ultherapy put measures to mitigate potential risks that may arise from the treatment. 

  1. It’s Non-invasive

Ultherapy involves the application of ultrasound technology to stimulate collagen production in the body, resulting in a vibrant and youthful look. Also, ultrasound has been proven to work for years to promote natural healing. 

Unlike a facelift that requires a physician to make incisions on your skin and use anesthesia, Ultherapy doesn’t require surgery. Thus, if needles and scalpels aren’t your cups of tea, Ultherapy might be ideal for you. The best part is that Ultherapy leaves no scars. 

  1. Requires No Downtime

The non-invasive nature of Ultherapy makes recovery a cinch. Just schedule for treatment with a physician, get it done, and you’ll be up and about in no time. An in-office procedure takes roughly an hour. 

Patient levels of discomfort vary, with some reporting a buzzing sensation or pulsating feeling during treatment. Others may experience tenderness or discomfort, but not the kind that would keep you from your daily activities.  

  1. Offers Value for Money

Complete facial treatment can set you back over $4000. The cost varies depending on the part of the body under treatment. Still, I am not suggesting that’s a chump change. But, Ultherapy delivers proven results that few would dispute, meaning it offers the best bang for your money compared to other alternatives. 

Cost also varies from one facility to another. You might consider shopping around to find a professional offering the service within your price point. Some physicians may also provide financing options that might be worth your consideration. 

  1. Delivers Gradual Results

Are you looking for instant results? Unfortunately, if you consider Ultherapy, you can only expect to see results within a three-month window, although it may take up to 6 months for the outcome to materialize fully. What’s the catch?

The result of collagen stimulation takes time as facial muscles tighten and your skin softens. Eventually, the wrinkles fade, leaving you looking younger for longer. Thus Ultherapy offers long-term results worth the wait. 

  1. It’s Not Ideal for Everyone

Ultherapy is most suitable if your skin shows pronounced signs of wrinkling or loss of elasticity. Usually, that happens when you hit the 50-year age bracket or thereabout. Individuals in their 30’s and 40’s might want to hold off a little as their skin is usually firmer than their older counterparts. 

Pre-existing medical conditions may also disqualify you from an Ultherapy procedure. Also, you’re ineligible for such treatment if you are pregnant or have a pacemaker. Discuss with a dermatologist to rule out a possible skin condition and determine whether Ultherapy is a suitable procedure for you. 

  1. No Prep-time Needed

You may expect many do’s and don’ts before surgery, but that’s not the case for Ultherapy. A medical practitioner may recommend some medication before Ultherapy treatment to provide pain relief. Otherwise, you can plan for a treatment session and get on with it without other significant considerations. 

  1. One Session Might be Enough

One 60-90 minute Ultherapy session does the job among most patients. However, individual factors such as genetic makeup could make you age faster than your peers, implying you might need more treatment sessions. Still, your biological response to treatment may necessitate additional treatment. 

There you have it: a listicle of some considerations to consider before opting for Ultherapy as a form of treatment for aging. If a fresher look devoid of surgery or complications thereof is on the cards for you, talk to a medical professional offering Ultherapy near you. 


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