7 Highest-Paying Medical Jobs 


Being employed within the medical field is not only socially impactful, but it can also be highly lucrative. There is a diverse range of occupations that are both professionally fulfilling and offer lasting financial security. If you are interested in exploring a career in the medical field, our list of the seven top-paying positions is a smart place to start. 

#1 Medical Surgeon

One of the top-paying positions in the medical field is that of a surgeon. There are quite a few different surgery specialties to choose from, but overall, a surgeon’s salary can be considered among the most lucrative. Surgeons treat diseases, perform surgical interventions, and even perform follow-up care. Their annual base salaries range from $200k to as much as $550k or more. 

#2 Pharmacist

Photo by Polina Tankilevitch: https://www.pexels.com/photo/woman-in-white-long-sleeved-laboratory-gown-standing-3735715/

Not every medical professional works directly with patients, however, that doesn’t mean their jobs are fulfilling. Pharmacists are tasked with counseling patients about proper medication usage as well as with dispensing their prescriptions. Many are also in charge of providing immunizations such as the flu, and pneumonia shots. The average salary starts at just over $80k per year. 

#3 Podiatrist

The lower legs, feet, and ankles are critical to locomotion and overall general human health. As a podiatrist, caring for the lower limbs is an important job that requires dedicated study, focused attention, and a passion for orthotics. Medical professionals in this field earn on average $160k per year depending on their specialty. 

#4 Medical Dosimetrists

Though not as popular as some other career paths in the medical field, medical dosimeters are essential to patient care. They earn a median average of $130k per year which may be higher in more populated areas. They are tasked with creating radiation treatment plans for cancer patients and other patient types who may need radiation care. They also ensure that patients remain immobile during their procedures. 

#5 Dental Healthcare Professionals

Photo by Pavel Danilyuk: https://www.pexels.com/photo/patient-at-dental-clinic-during-procedure-6812520/

Among all fields, the dental field has one of the best options for career growth. With a base salary of $150k per year, dentists can command some of the highest rates in the medical field. They are tasked with general oral healthcare, oral surgery, tooth replacement, extractions, cosmetic dental care, and more. Dentists can bill by the patient and by the services which gives them more freedom to craft their annual earnings packages. 

#6 Occupational Therapists

These essential healthcare workers work directly with patients on an intimate basis. They help them by providing therapeutic assistance with their daily living skills, training them on adaptive equipment, or even helping them to recover from injuries. They also help patients to manage their pain and boost their mobility. A base starting pay of $85k per year is normal in most locations. 

#7 Optometrists

Eye health is important for a person’s overall health and optometrists are the medical professionals tasked with their care. They perform examinations, treat diseases of the eye, prescribe glasses, and more. The median salary for an optometrist is just over $125 per year. 

Get The Pay You Deserve

Numerous jobs in the medical field offer generous remuneration as well as professional satisfaction. The list above is only a small selection of some of the top-paying jobs on the market today. Physician compensation packages will vary depending on location, qualifications, and patient load.


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