6 Amazing Tips To Maintain A Healthy Weight


Maintaining a healthy weight is essential for good health. It could lower the risk of many diseases and different types of cancers. Being underweight can be a risk factor for some health problems. Similarly, being overweight is a known cause of many health issues. 

Conquering the battle against obesity means having to burn more calories than you take in every day. Regardless of diet type, less calorie intake than you burn would help. Nonetheless, before you begin any weight loss process, it is always advisable to seek medical advice. 

Below are some tips for maintaining a healthy weight:

1. Be Physically Active to Increase Metabolism

One might not have total control over their metabolic rate. Nonetheless, you can boost your metabolism by participating in different physical aerobic activities like jogging and running. Other forms of exercise can also help to improve your metabolic rate. The more physically active you are, the more your metabolic rate, which burns up calories for energy.

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2. Control Portion Size to Reduce Calorie Intake

The amount of energy found in food and drink is calories. High-calorie intake may result in weight gain as your body stores the excess as body fat.

The portion size of food refers to the amount you take in a single meal. For instance, muffins and bagels are often sold in sizes larger than one serving, but people often think they come in 1 serving and eat them all. They are unaware that they have chosen a large portion of more than one serving.

Sometimes, people starve themselves while trying to check their weight. Similarly, others think that eating less food means cutting down calories. However, that is not the case.

To eat satisfactorily and reduce calories without feeling hungry, you need to replace high-calorie foods with low-calorie foods.

3. Avoid Skipping Breakfast

You probably understood before that breakfast is the most important meal of the day, and it’s essential to make time for it in a busy schedule. It is better to eat small, frequent meals rather than skipping meals throughout the day.

Skipping breakfast does more harm than good to your body. For instance, you might eat more than your usual portion at lunch. People who skip their morning meals are more likely to have severe medical conditions like clogged arteries, slow metabolic rate, Migraine. Experts have linked skipping breakfast to other health issues, including hypertension, obesity, high blood pressure, high cholesterol, and heart attacks.

In addition to eating a healthy breakfast, you also want to keep your body energized in the right way. Snacks, in particular, are one of the biggest drivers to reaching your goals without making you feel overly full. It is good to have healthy snacks in between meal times. If you’re trying to gain weight or struggle to maintain weight, adding nutritious snacks to your diet to increase your daily calorie intake would be just perfect. Experts recommended consuming a combination of healthy, nutritious snacks a few hours after a meal and 2-3 hours before the next.

4. Eat Lots of Protein

Protein is essential to life. This component of all human cells plays a critical role in the biochemical functions of the human body. It is vital for growth, development, and tissue remodeling. Protein is one of the three most important “micronutrients,” including carbohydrates and fats.

Therefore, you need to consume enough protein to prevent malnutrition. It is also essential to maintain muscle mass and strength with aging. Researchers have advocated a high-protein diet to boost metabolism and help you lose excess weight in recent years. Few nutrients are as essential as protein. It affects your health and body composition if you don’t get enough of it. Protein lowers the hunger hormone, Ghrelin levels and increases the appetite-reducing hormones, reducing your calorie intake.

5. Lift Weights

According to experts, weightlifting isn’t just about building lean muscles in a bulky way. Its benefits include improved posture, improved sleep, and increased bone density. Other advantages include weight maintenance, increased metabolism, reduced inflammation, combating chronic illness, and a list of positive effects laundry. By lifting weights and building stronger muscles, your body becomes more effective at burning fat. The reason is simple. Your muscle tissue burns more calories than fatty tissue. Therefore, besides consuming more calories at rest, adding lean body mass by weightlifting naturally increases metabolism.


Taking a high-calorie diet while being less active may result in weight gain. As you get older, your metabolism can be different than when you were young. You should always pay close attention to the proportion in which you take in calories to that which you burn them. In addition, incorporate proteins and fruits and vegetables in your diet and exercise regularly.


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