The Question About Viability – How Long Will Your Seeds Last?


When you are new into the gardening and homesteading with regards to cannabis, the question of seed viability must have crossed your mind at least at some point. Seed viability is a complex thig to state because there are a number of factors that affect the viability of a seed. Usually, growers will worry about the viability of seed when they are storing the seeds by themselves. Here are some of the things to consider to ensure your seeds last longer.

Choose the best seeds

A quality blue berry seed for sale should be able to withstand a pinch or a little amount of pressure applied to it. seeds that smash easily are not the best for long term storage. When selecting seeds for long term storage or for future use, be sure to only go for quality seeds. You can tell a lot from the appearance of a seed. Those with obvious markers of a disease are not the best quality. Seeds for long term storage should also be appropriately dried. Now that you have chosen your preferred seeds, the next step is to get the right equipment.

Have good storage equipment

Storage of seeds such as pot seeds in the USA is largely dependent on the equipment. You not only want to keep your seeds in an enclosed space, you also want to keep rodents and other small animals and pests away. There is no use procuring the best blue berry seeds for sale and losing all of them to pests. You can leverage the use of silos and storage containers depending on the number of your seeds.

Maintain good storage conditions

Environmental factors are good predictors of the overall viability of seeds. Cannabis seeds should be stored in ideal conditions that have been described as cool, dry and dark. The storage unit for the seeds should also be airtight and also water tight. The seal should be tight and reinforced with rubber or a zip lock. Most seeds are best stored at temperatures below 50 degrees and a refrigerator can be used to achieved these temperatures. When the storage facilities and the storage conditions are idea, the seeds may last longer for several years and can be useful in propagating one species across generation.

Consider using someone else’s storage

If you are grower with a higher yield of quality seeds, you don’t necessarily need to have your own storage if you haven’t built the structures yet. You can leverage someone else’s storage facilities especially when their facilities are doing better job in preserving seeds. Many companies will agree to store your seeds albeit at a cost which should be easily affordable.


Whether you are dealing Pot seeds in the USA or blueberry seeds for sale, the viability of these seeds when kept unused for long will depend on several factors. And most of these factors involve the methods and mechanisms of storage. Be sure to consult widely and get inspiration for good storage units.


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