Common trading styles adopted by professional stocktraders


Ever wondered how stock trading for beginners can be as effective and successful as professional traders? Look no further; we will guide you and let you in with these tips to find your trading styles.

Professional traders are successful in most trades as they have identified their trading styles. Therefore, you are mistaken if you are under the impression that professional traders never lose in a trade. The only difference between you and a professional trader is that they have discovered the trading style that helps them mitigate the loss and increase their win ratios.

There are two types of professional traders, one who frequently trades, thus increasing their win ratios, and the other who trades less but increases the reward ratio.

You, too, can increase these once you have identified your trading style.

Below are a few of the trading styles that will help you become a successful stock trader?

Fundamental Trader:

These traders will look at historical data like financial statements, events, external factors, and industry trends and compare them with today’s performance. The stocks are chosen based on logic, facts, and the ideal time to purchase them. These stocks are chosen to keep them for the long term rather than the short term. The trader employs buy-and-hold. Returns are guaranteed based on the research by the trader. Profits are assured after a long period when the price of these stocks appreciates considerably.

Technical Trader:

These traders will study historical data, charts, graphs, and other tools to choose the stock. Then, they will try to analyze potential profit opportunities based on historical data. These data are then used to strategize potential opportunities in the current market. 

Noise Trader:

These traders can also be called speculative traders, where financial advice from financial gurus is ignored, and the trading is done on impulse and irrational based on the financial news and trends floating on social media. However, a few will carry out a fundamental analysis before completing a trade.

Sentiment Traders:

These traders will trade based on market sentiments. They study the market and choose their stocks to find potential securities to exploit and trade for a substantial profit.

Swing Trade:

These traders will concentrate their trades and exploit the market for short-term grain instead of long ones. These traders will use fundamental and technical analysis to follow the market trend. They will trade securities depending on the market trend. If the market follows a bearish trend, these traders will buy and hold on to them until the trend reverses and sell them at a substantial profit. These trades are generally carried out for short-term or medium-term gains instead of long ones. As a stock trading for beginners is an excellent way to observe the market and decide which way the price might tend to go before considering this trading technique.

Contrarian Traders. 

Contrarian traders take action in contrast to other traders by looking for signs of excessively positive or negative emotion. For instance, they might buy a stock if they see that most people are selling a particular stock, and vice versa. Traders who believe the market is going up do so because those who claim otherwise are either completely invested in the market or have run out of money to spend.

Market Timing Traders.

These traders will try to time the market as the price trend changes. In addition, they keep themselves updated with the latest economic news that impacts market conditions. Besides these techniques, they rely on other technical analyses to anticipate the market movement. However, since it is challenging to correctly anticipate the market movement for long-term investment, these techniques are usually used for short-term predictions.

Arbitrage Traders.

These traders will spread their risk or mitigate the chances of making a loss. They usually tend to research the stocks of their interest and simultaneously purchase and sell assets to profit from pricing discrepancies of similar instruments in other forms or markets or from general pricing faults. They will simultaneously buy and sell a security in the market. Such techniques are exceptionally prominent with hedge funds as they tend to profit substantially while minimizing potential loss.

However, such traders are rare to find, as the technology has vastly improved, and companies are quick to notice if they find a discrepancy in the pricing of stocks.


These traders will make frequent trades throughout the trade, keeping each position open for a few minutes before closing them. They exploit the amount by which a market assets ask price is higher than its bid price, often known as the bid-ask spread. Since they open and close positions quickly, they make a nominal profit. However, the profit potential greatly increases as they then trade in bulk. Thus this type of trade requires substantial capital and time to observe and exploit the market as the price trend fluctuates.

Day Trader.

These traders will open up their position and close them on the same day. They avoid keeping a single trade open for the next day. Instead, they try to make a substantial profit. Since liquid assets enable them to enter and exit trades rapidly, they frequently use a variety of additional tactics to complete their transactions. As a result, they typically prefer liquid assets. These traders will key an eye open for real-time price fluctuation in the trade. These traders require substantial capital during the initial phase, but the profit potential is vast. Thus, such trading is advantageous over a short-term gain within a day. As a stock trading for beginners this is also an excellent option to consider, but the only trade-off is that you should avoid getting greedy.

Intraday Traders.

These types of traders are similar to Day traders, where the trade is settled within the day. They, too, avoid keeping the trade open for the next day. The only difference that sets them apart for a Day trader is that they make frequent trades. Each position is kept open for a couple of hours before closing at a profit. They specialize in buying and selling instruments available during standard trading hours using technical analysis and indicators.

Position Traders.

Position traders concentrate on macroeconomic trends and the possibility of asset growth. They monitor the market and macroeconomic movements to determine which assets they think have the best long-term prospects for appreciation. Position trader’s aim for long-term gains, and some of their trades could take place over weeks, months, or even years, depending on when the most profitable choices for their assets present themselves.

Price action traders.

These traders will avoid fundamental analysis and rely solely on technical analysis. Instead, they chart the price movement of a certain asset over a predetermined period and base their judgments about whether to buy or sell on those fluctuations and broader market activity. Price action trading is often well-liked by investors seeking short-term trades because it is effective for all asset classes, beneficial for all other technical analysis approaches, and applicable to all types of transactions.


It would be a great help when you consider stock trading for beginners to be well equipped with all the trading knowledge. You can even try your styles on a demo account t get the hang of the trade. Remember, many complain that they are successful while trading in demo accounts, and when it comes to living to trade, they fail miserably. The reason is simple; there is no pressure while trading on a demo compared to the ones they try on the real deal. Thus, they tend to make mistakes, and all the strategies based on their research evaporate and start impulse trading.

There are some trades you will win and some that you may lose. But with time and learning from your every trade, your win and reward ratio will increase. As they say, “Rome wasn’t built in a single day.”


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