The Role of the Teacher’s Own Example in the Education of the Student’s Personality


A child’s point of view will often reflect the environment around them. Students also write reviews of their teachers, which they may or may not choose to take into consideration when selecting an educator to emulate. The character of the instructor and the choices that he or she makes will forever have an effect on the development of civilization and the course that history will take. Since he has contributed to the formation of the world in which we currently reside, he bears a significant amount of responsibility for the fate of mankind as a whole. 

When it comes to educational work, the position of the teacher is a comprehensive one that involves all of the functions that have been stated up until this point as well as, in certain instances, the role of a psychotherapist. By that we mean that the teacher should become more than just a supervisor of child’s academic performance and monitor whether the child is using different services, like for their assignments. The teacher should basically become student’s friend. 

During the course of a school years’ worth of educational experiences, growth may be seen not just in the student but also in the teacher of that student. The teacher is the most important authority figure and example for behavior that a child in junior high school may have. Therefore, the collaboration between these two areas of education will be crucial to the development of a student’s sense of self-awareness when they are enrolled in primary school.


The characters of those who teach have always played and will continue to play, an important part in shaping and teaching the next generation. The contemporary educational system must overcome a number of obstacles. The expansion of instructional aids, in addition to the growing number of pupils for whom the state language is not their first language, all combine to create challenges for the school, and by extension, for the new teacher. The efficiency and efficacy of their answer is directly proportional to the degree to which it will improve both the health of the state as a whole as well as the prospects of recent graduates for future success in adult life. 

The professional endeavors of the instructor have a significant impact on the development of the student’s personality. The act of learning and the production of new knowledge are not the only two situations in which one may be influenced; one can also find effects outside of these settings. The kids look up to the instructor as a role model because of the manner in which they conduct themselves. As a consequence of this, we can make the case that the primary objective of a teacher is to assist pupils in acquiring the essentials of general education while also encouraging the development of a well-rounded human. When a teacher conveys knowledge to students or guides them through the process of becoming independent learners of that material, the students are influenced by the personality of the instructor.


Whenever the teacher interacts with the student in a collaborative activity, he or she must be aware of the distinctive aspects of the child’s maturation, maintain a constructive attitude toward the student’s persona, and direct their efforts toward realizing the potential that is already present in the student. 

The personalities of the learner and the teacher are always engaged in conversation with one another. Either a kind, compassionate, and understanding adult or a highly qualified specialist in a given field of study is what a teacher ultimately becomes for the students that he instructs throughout the course of his career as a teacher.


According to studies, eight students out of every one hundred are petrified of their teachers. This is a significantly more serious problem when one considers the fact that instructors are not always kind and attentive to their students. 

Students in primary school, who are particularly sensitive to the psychological effects of unfair or excessive punishment, are particularly prone to being yelled at or told aloud in front of the class that they can’t master the content, or threatened with low current and final grades. This is particularly problematic because primary school students are particularly sensitive to the psychological effects of unfair or excessive punishment. 

Only an individual who possesses an unusually high moral code, who is skilled at self-regulation and self-management, and who possesses the capacity to serve as a guide to a child as he develops into an autonomous adult is fit to perform the role of a teacher. When students enter a classroom for the first time, they immediately form in their minds a picture of a teacher who is kind, knowledgeable, impartial, and attentive. This is especially true for students in elementary school. On the other hand, a teacher is first and foremost a human individual with his or her own unique set of strengths and weaknesses, in addition to personal and professional problems. As a consequence of this, the instructor has to be able to relax, have confidence in the years to come, and maintain their mental health. This is due to the fact that everything is contingent upon the manner in which the youngster matures into an adult and the kinds of personality qualities that he or she acquires.


It is essential to take in mind the huge influence that a child’s parents and other members of their family have on the development of their personality while entrusting educators with the responsibility of developing the future generation. Children learn via the deeds and words of their parents about what it means to have excellent character characteristics like love or hatred, and this is how human values are most commonly transmitted from one generation to the next within families. Unfortunately, the child’s parents have a tendency to disregard both the teacher’s work and their own personality within the context of the family unit. These students are often cited as proof by educators who are dissatisfied with the rude and, in some cases, dismissive behavior of their pupils and students. 

A position of this nature cannot be tolerated, and the state is obligated to employ any and all methods at its disposal in order to instill in parents a mutually respectful attitude toward the educators of their children. enhancing the general public’s esteem for teaching as a profession and drawing attention to the importance of the teaching profession to society as a whole.

The work of a teacher can only be considered pedagogical if it is carried out within the context of an educational institution, where it is carried out in conjunction with other members of the institution’s staff, and it is carried out under the direction of the director of the educational institution. The interactions that take place between the teacher and the student both during and after school hours either skew the impression that the student forms of his or her instructor or fail to have any impact on that impression. When students witness their teachers and classmates treating each other with respect and a willingness to assist and support one another, they learn much more than merely the interaction between individuals. They gain an understanding of how the organization operates as well as the dynamics between two coworkers in the workplace.

The influence of a teacher’s personality on the creation and development of a student’s personality cannot be overstated. Pupils grow up and leave the school they attended as soon as they are old enough. Even after many years, when an adult man or woman, having encountered their instructor on the street, being financially successful, physically stronger, or having a superior education, even if merely a degree doctors of sciences, always felt that their teacher was in front of him. This is extremely essential. It was the individual who, along with his or her parents, implanted in the child a sense of right and wrong, as well as a sense of belonging to his or her community and country, the attributes of a true person and citizen. That is why a teacher must always be a teacher, regardless of the economic or societal changes that take place. Knowing that a kid will soon be an adult and enter a new phase of life, and what he will become is mainly dependent on the personality of the school instructor, every minute.


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