Tips to Retain Talent During The Great Resignation



We’ve all been through it. The day you realize that your best employees are about to walk out the door, and there’s nothing you can do about it. Well, maybe that’s a bit dramatic, but at some point in your career you’ll probably lose an employee who is irreplaceable—for whatever reason. And when that happens, your team will feel like the sky is falling. It will be stressful for everyone involved: current employees who don’t want to leave; former employees who did everything they could to stay; and managers who wish they could have done something better to keep them around longer than they did. But here’s the thing: though losing talent is never easy or fun, there are ways of preventing it from happening in the first place (or making sure it doesn’t happen again). Allowing employees more influence over their work environment makes them happier in general; giving them more freedom allows them to develop their talents further; and creating a culture where people are treated fairly gives them confidence that they’re working somewhere safe long-term—all factors which increase retention rates by quite a bit.”

You can keep your team together during the great resignation if you follow these tips

The Great Resignation is a good time to review your talent management practices. You can keep your team together if you follow these tips:

  • Make sure they feel valued and respected, especially when there’s an internal change in leadership or culture.
  • Keep the lines of communication open with your staff so they know where they stand and who is making the decisions for them.
  • Create a culture where people are encouraged to speak up about their fears or concerns about changes happening at work, rather than feeling like it’s a taboo subject that will make them look negative if brought up in a meeting or during performance reviews.

Flatten Your Organization Chart.

No matter how great your company might be, there are going to be some people who don’t like it. If you’ve done a good job of building a culture and hiring right, then you’re bound to have some folks who enjoy working here. The trick is to make sure they stay here, because they’re likely the ones with the most value.

Flattening your organization chart can help retain talent by giving them more autonomy and responsibility over their roles and projects. The best way to do this is by creating an environment where anyone can pitch ideas for improving processes or overall effectiveness within the company—and then actually listen when those ideas are voiced! If you want your employees’ best work, show that you care about what’s happening at all levels of the organization: from janitorial services on up through marketing strategy down into HR functions like onboarding new hires and providing support during vacation requests (which will come back around eventually).

Conduct The Right Performance Reviews.

  • Make sure to review employee performance.
  • Make sure it is done in a timely manner.
  • Make sure it is done in a fair manner (in other words, don’t hire someone for the role of “Spinal Tap drummer,” then expect them to fill in for your injured cat).
  • Ensure that all reviews are constructive, as no one likes a critic (except maybe critics).

Write Larger Paychecks.

  • You’ve got to pay for it.
  • It’s a clichĂ©, but the bottom line is that if you want to keep your talent, you need to pay for it. Pay increases are a great way to keep your team together and attract new talent from both inside and outside the company. Here are some ways that raises can be used as tools for retention:
  • They reward exceptional performance. An employee who has been doing an outstanding job should receive praise, not just recognition—and more money for their efforts as well!
  • They provide peace of mind about future employment. If you’re worried about losing someone who does great work for your organization because they may be offered a better position elsewhere or are unhappy with their current salary, consider offering them a raise so they feel valued by virtue of staying at your company instead of searching elsewhere (or leaving). This could help ensure that those talented employees continue working hard even after receiving a raise while also helping retain them during an uncertain time like this one!

Give Employees The Time They Need.

I understand that most of you are probably thinking, “Well, you know what? I’m going to get my employees in the office, and let them know that this is happening and we need their help”.

But here’s something to consider: Employees need time to adjust to changes. They may not understand why these changes are happening, so they’ll need some time to process all of it before they can start helping out with the new system or process.

That doesn’t mean employers should slow down their efforts; it just means they should give employees the space they need while also supporting them through any training or resources needed during this transition period. And if someone needs additional time off because of personal reasons? That’s fine! Your company wants its employees happy too—and people aren’t always going to be at their best after learning about major change like this one (especially if there’s no explanation).

Allow Employees To Set Their Own Goals.

First, let your employees set their own goals. Now, this might sound obvious (and it is), but it’s a step that many managers skip and wind up regretting. Employees should be able to decide what they’d like to achieve in the next year, quarter or month—and then you can help them get there by giving them the tools they need (a new computer? A course on how to use Excel?) and showing them how their contributions will impact the company’s bottom line.

Second: Don’t hold back on raising expectations for your employees. If you give someone an unachievable goal—say, doubling revenue from last year’s numbers—then that person is going to feel demoralized instead of motivated when he fails to meet that goal. And if you don’t share your expectations with him at all… well then how will he know what he needs improve upon?

Let Employees Choose Their Managers.

Letting employees choose their managers is the best way to get your employees to stay. It gives them control over their career, and it will help you retain them longer.

If you let them pick the manager who’s right for them, they’ll be more likely to stick around. If an employee has a great rapport with their boss but does not like how he or she handles conflict resolution, that employee can request another supervisor. This gives each person a chance at having someone who is suited for their strengths, weaknesses and skillsets—and it takes some of the pressure off of HR!

Let Employees Choose Their Coworkers.

You might be wondering why this is so important. Here’s a real world example of how it works:

An employee’s manager is a turd. They yell at the employees, they don’t provide guidance, they make promises that they don’t keep. The employee wants to quit, but they can’t because there isn’t anyone else who can do what they do in their company—so they stay.

But then you let them choose their coworkers! Then you give them the option of working with people who are positive and supportive, or leaving if there aren’t any other options available at the moment (but if there were other options available at another time in the future). This gives employees power over their work environment which leads directly into…

Help Employees Develop Their Talents.

  • Help employees develop their talents.
  • Give them the tools to succeed.
  • Provide them with the training they need.
  • Offer opportunities for learning. Let your employees learn from each other, as well as from you!

Don’t Make The Grass Greener On The Other Side Of The Fence.

Don’t Make The Grass Greener On The Other Side Of The Fence.

If you want to retain your talent, don’t let them think they will be happier elsewhere. Even if they decide they are going to leave, make sure that they are comfortable with their current situation and can see ways for improvement. If you give them a voice in the company’s future and help them develop their skills, they’ll be happier staying at your company than going somewhere else.


So, what’s the bottom line here? The most important thing is to make sure that you’re not just retaining talent, but also making them feel valued and happy at work. If you can do that, it will go a long way toward ensuring retention and engagement. And maybe even some great resignations!


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