Ask a Financial Crimes Attorney: Can You Go to Prison for Mortgage Fraud?


Facing a mortgage fraud case can be a worrying experience. But what penalties are associated with this case? Read on to learn more about the consequences of mortgage fraud and how a financial crimes attorney can help you.

Ask a Financial Crimes Attorney: Can You Go to Prison for Mortgage Fraud?

Mortgage fraud is considered a very serious crime under the law, and those found guilty of this crime can indeed face prison time as a consequence. Laws vary from place to place and the severity of the case has a bearing on the punishment, but in the state of Texas, you might face steep fines and several years in prison if you are found guilty of this type of crime.

A lawyer will be able to tell you more specifically what penalties you might face as a result of your specific case. Because of the steep consequences that might result from this type of case, it’s essential that you get the help you need to fight on your behalf.

What to Do If You’re Accused of a White-Collar Crime

Facing a lawsuit for mortgage fraud or other financial crime issues and want to know what steps to take next? Check out the advice below so that you know what action to take if you find yourself involved in a serious case such as this.

Reach Out for Legal Assistance

It cannot be stressed enough how crucial an experienced lawyer is to get a favorable outcome in your mortgage fraud case. You likely don’t have much experience in navigating the courtroom environment. Even if you’ve been involved in lawsuits in the past, the specific and highly-technical laws that surround mortgage fraud cases require particular knowledge in order to give you the best possibility of a positive resolution.

Although it’s important to seek legal assistance as soon as possible so that they can help with the early stages of your case, it’s also important that you don’t rush into a decision. Not all lawyers are the same, and you want to find representation that’s of the quality needed to present your case before the court in the best light possible. Look for a law firm with plenty of experience and a proven track record for success.

Avoid Communicating About Your Case

Going through a lawsuit can be an emotional experience. It’s only natural that you might want to turn to someone for support at a time like this. However, it’s important that you remain mindful of what you say and don’t share details that might end up damaging your case. Seeking support in a broad sense is only natural, but you shouldn’t share sensitive information regarding your case.

Remember that the things you say could potentially end up being used against you in a court of law. Even if you trust the person you’re speaking with completely, don’t complicate the relationship by giving them sensitive information. You should especially avoid going onto social media to discuss the case on a platform where anyone can see it, as this could completely upend your case.

Gather Any Evidence Available

There are many things that go into building a successful case to defend yourself when you’re facing a mortgage fraud investigation. You’ll want to start working right away to gather the evidence needed to prove your case. Getting an early start on this process will help you stay ahead of the curve so that you aren’t playing catch-up later on.

Evidence that supports your case can take many different forms. Any pertinent documents related to your mortgage could be helpful resources to draw on when building a case. You might also take time to gather records of transactions, bank statements, and other financial documents that provide a record for you to work off of.

Communicate Intelligently with Authorities

You likely became aware of the financial crime case you’re involved in when you received a notice from state or federal authorities. They may have also communicated with you over the phone to let you know that you’re being investigated. You should acknowledge these attempts to communicate with you, but it’s important to remember not to feel compelled to answer all of the questions posed to you simply because they’re coming from an authority figure.

Saying too much to the authorities could give them information that might harm your case. You should never be afraid to tell someone involved in the other side of your case that you don’t wish to speak to them until you’ve contacted an attorney. Experienced mortgage fraud attorneys in Houston will be able to tell you how to best handle these communications so that you don’t accidentally worsen your legal standing.

Finding the right representation will give you the best possible chance of a positive resolution to your case. This will help you mitigate the potential consequences that come with mortgage fraud.


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