PET-CT (Computed Tomography and Positron Emission Tomography)


What is the PET scan process?

You can see what your organs and tissues look like by using positron emission tomography (PET) scans. Radiotracers are safe, injectable chemicals that are administered in conjunction with PET CT scan. Diseased cells absorb radioactive components through radiation. There is a health problem underlying this.

In healthcare, what is the role of PET scans?

A PET scan may be ordered by your healthcare provider for the following reasons:

  • Cancers of both the breast and lungs are included here.
  • Having a heart problem or suffering a stroke.
  • A brain disorder is anything that affects the brain, whether it’s Alzheimer’s disease, epilepsy, or dementia.

What does a PET scan show?

A PET scan can:

  • Blood flow, oxygen consumption, sugar (glucose) metabolism and other vital functions are measured.
  • Determine which organs are malfunctioning.
  • Detects cancerous tumor cells to determine cancer spread (metastasis).
  • Help your healthcare provider determine whether a treatment plan is effective.

What are the differences between PET and CT scans?

CT (computerized tomography) machines use X-rays to perform their scans. A magnetic resonance imaging machine (MRI) uses electromagnetic waves and magnets. Organs and structures of the human body are represented by both.

Using a radioactive tracer, a PET scan can determine how well an organ is functioning. PET scans provide early detection of changes in organs and tissues that are not possible with CT or MRI scans. Often, your healthcare provider will perform PET-CT (PET-CT) at the same time. This combination test allows accurate diagnosis through 3D images.

The use of MRIs and PETs can be combined in certain hospitals. It is suitable for the diagnosis and monitoring of cancers of soft tissues (brain, head, neck, liver, pelvis) because of its high contrast.


PET scans: how do they work?

Detecting diseased cells in tissues and organs can be done using a PET scan. Radiation is administered intravenously (IV) in a safe amount. Known as a radiotracer, this substance is used in trackingRadiation is delivered intravenously (IV) in a safe dosage..

Cancer cells absorb radiotracers more efficiently than healthy cells. Using a PET scanner, the radiation can be detected. This is followed by the production of images of the affected area. A PET/CT scan combines images from CT and PET.

How should I prepare for a PET scan?

PET scans are performed as outpatient procedures, which can be performed same-day at home. Your healthcare provider will provide detailed instructions for preparing for your scan. In general, you should:

  • Do not fail to notify your healthcare provider if you take any medications or supplements.
  • You should contact your provider as soon as you suspect you are pregnant.
  • Do not eat anything for six hours prior to your drug test. Changing this direction may be necessary in the event that you have diabetes.
  • You should only drink water.
  • Caffeine should be avoided for 24 hours before a heart test if you have a heart condition.
  • Wear comfortable clothing.

What will happen during the PET scan?

The following are the steps involved in PET scans:

  • Radiotracers are injected intravenously with radioactive drugs in safe doses. The use of radiotracers in medicine is common, such as fluorodeoxyglucose (FDG).
  • An hour-long sitting is required to inject the radiotracer into the bloodstream. If you perform too much activity, then a radiotracer may penetrate your body too deeply. Radiotracers won’t be felt by you.
  • Radiotracers are absorbed by your organs within an hour.
  • A PET/CT exam may also include an IV contrast dye injection. With this dye, CT images can be sharper.
  • Scanners with PET/CT tables slide into and out of them. Scanners that look like doughnuts. The doughnut or tunnel opening is approximately 30 inches in diameter.
  • During the scan, stay still. The movement of an object can blur an image.
  • Clicks and buzzes may be heard as the scanner captures images.
  • Consult your healthcare provider when you are feeling anxious. Mild sedatives may be administered to make the procedure more relaxing for you.
  • By having a technologist verify the scanning is focused before you depart, we make sure your scans are focused.


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