How To Remove Duplicate Contacts In Android & iOS: A Brief Guide


Smart devices, laptops, tablets & computers, wearable technologies, networking devices—an array of devices has come to the fore, boasting of various levels of data processing & handling capabilities. Today, numerous applications take advantage of the leapfrog advances in electronics & computer science to carry out different tasks- from helping locate an authentic assignment help service & assignment makers to computing vast amounts of unstructured data.

Smartphones are one of the most popular smart devices today and a shining example of the digital age. These handy electronic gadgets are powerful, versatile, fast and incredibly scalable.

Yet, despite their powerful capabilities, devices such as smartphones and the like often suffer from various glitches, bugs and faults. Many of these glitches are a collateral effect of widespread, seamless interconnectivity between the device & different kinds of cloud databases and can be quickly resolved.

This article looks at and offers resolutions for one of the most prevalent glitches observed in smartphones- contact duplication.

How to Merge Duplicate Contacts in Android & iOS Smartphones

Google’s Android and Apple’s iOS are the two major operating systems used all over.

The Android Mobile Operating System has the most extensive installation base of any operating system, with more than 3 billion active users as of May 2021 and operating on more than 70% of all smartphones worldwide. Built on a Linux kernel and written in C/C++/Java/Kotlin, the Android OS is a free and open-source project commercially supported by Google.

On the other hand, iOS is Apple’s proprietary mobile operating system developed specifically for its hardware and devices. Unlike Android, iOS is not an open-source project and forms the basis of three other Apple OS, the iPadOS, tvOS & watchOS. It is the second-most widely installed mobile operating system and written in C/C++, Objective C/Swift.

Despite all their strengths & capabilities, bugs & glitches often creep up in both Android and iOS. Contact duplication is one such minor bug and can be classified as a user-handling flaw.

Here’s how to get it resolved in both Android & iOS.

Removing or Merging Duplicate Contacts in Android OS

Duplicate contacts can cause a significant inconvenience for many, especially during urgent situations. Users might end sending messages to obsolete numbers or might even end up sending to the completely wrong person.

Contact duplication primarily occurs due to contact list access & subsequent synchronization from multiple applications. Follow the steps below to merge or remove duplicate contacts in Android smartphones:

  • Go to Contacts on the Android device.
  • Tap on the menu button.
  • Navigate to Suggestions.
  • Locate the option ‘Clean Up Duplicates’ or ‘Merge Duplicates’. Selecting this option will allow for individual or multiple merging of contacts. Manual merging is also possible in all versions of Android.
  • All variants of Android offer some feature or tool to help spot and remove/merge duplicate contacts.
  • If contacts are synced with Google Account, users must ensure that only one particular account is synchronized. More than one Google Account synced with contacts on an Android device will display duplicate accounts.

Removing or Merging Duplicate Contacts in iOS

For iOS devices, duplicate contacts may appear once the devices are synced with iCloud contacts. According to Apple Support, if there are duplicate contacts on Apple’s iCloud service, then users must connect with Apple representatives for resolution. However, Apple Support also states that duplication can be avoided if contacts are synced with only one source.

 However, for duplicate contact in only devices, the following steps can help in deletion or merging.

  • Open ‘Contacts’ in the iOS Device.
  • Link contact cards of the same person in different accounts to make sure they appear only once.

Do so by ‘tapping on a contact’, then tapping ‘Edit’ and then ‘Link Contacts’. Then, choose the other contact entry to link and then tap ‘Link’.

  • Once done, navigate the ‘Groups’ option in the ‘Contacts’ app and check only one contact source for synchronization.

There you have it- simple and effective ways to merge duplicate contacts in Android and iOS devices. Come back here next time for some more informative articles on intriguing and trending topics.

And, if you are looking for professional academic writing help, always research carefully and avail authentic writing services with capable online assignment writers.

Author-Bio: Karen Hamada is an Android application developer at a major software development firm in the USA. She is also an online assignment writer at, a leading assignment help service with quality assignment makers and offering free writing tools like word counter, APA referencing generator, etc., to one & all.


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