‘Frivolous’: Congress backfires at Nirmala Sitharman over her comments on Rahul and Sonia Gandhi


Not long after the Finance Minister Nirmala Sitharman’s remarks on Sunday over Sonia Gandhi and Rahul Gandhi, the Congress hit back saying that its ‘negligible’ and Congress doesn’t have to gain from her.

Money Minister’s remarks came during a question and answer session over the fifth and last tranche of Rs 20 lakh crore boost bundle. Responding to an inquiry raised by a correspondent during the public interview, she affirmed that Congress is wading into controversy on the issue of vagrants.

She said that Sonia Gandhi ought to have requested that her main priests help the vagrants and Rahul Gandhi ought to have strolled with them when he met transients and masterminded their transportation.

“We expect a specific level of reality and gravitas when the Finance Minister is tending to a question and answer session,” Congress representative Anand Sharma said.

“The announcement of the Nirmala Sitharaman is unimportant and the Congress president didn’t have to gain from the fund serve,” he included.

Sharma said Congress has remained by the vagrants in solidarity as they are residents of the nation and with no food, haven and cash where will the transients go? The legislature ought to apologize to them as their basic rights have been abused.

“Did the Government of India take and look to their torments who are strolling several kilometers. One way lecturing is going on. The legislature is taking choices subjectively without speaking with the restriction on the issue of national security of protection and space,” he said.


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